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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. So stupid question, has anyone tried to run the z77 chipset itself on dice or ln2? I mean I assume it wouldn't help bclk OC much at all if any, and it'd probably cold bug before the cpu. Does any one have any info on this? I kinda want to try it at least for the lulz, but if I know for example that it'll cold bug at -60c that'd be helpful going in.
  2. That sounds pretty reasonable
  3. would be very compelling for gamers and editors alike at those clocks, plus we can assume slight ipc increase as well as a much improved IMC hopefully.
  4. I don't have anything that bad, but I also don't see any scaling past 1.55v and pll does nothing for me so I'm fairly certain I don't know how to sandy. Even on my 5.6 chip it was this way where 1.55v was plenty.
  5. What do you think these are, lol
  6. Just noticed it's doing it for 1080p preset as well. Is anyone else having issues for ranking that they'd like to pile on?
  7. Can we fix the ranking for x265 4k 1core? I got bumped down to second even though nobody has actually beaten or matched my score yet, and it gives me the pts of second. It also has bumped everyone else down. I've tried to recalculate a few times and it hasn't fixed it. http://hwbot.org/submission/3770515_yosarianilives_hwbot_x265_benchmark___4k_celeron_g470_0.61_fps Also for hd graphics 630 in 3dm03 I was in 2nd, then the result ahead of me got deleted and I'm still shown as second. Not sure if pts are right but can we get that fixed too? Again manual recalculation has not worked for me. https://hwbot.org/submission/3779671_yosarianilives_3dmark03_hd_graphics_630_36965_marks
  8. Wrong section. If you can manage to scroll all the way to the bottom of the main page you will see a category called "support". That is where you should post this.
  9. Overall a really interesting project. Will be interested to see the final results.
  10. Make a post in support to have your phone/the cpu and gpu added. Had to do that for ipad 2g
  11. It definitely matters man. Everyone knows that ugly wallpaper = shit OC
  12. Any decent z77 board should be fine. I didn't have to bin my maximus v extreme at all, and when I test on i5 3470 my z77 ocf seemed capable of 110+ so I really wonder how much board needs to be binned. Although my results are better than some so I really wonder if the cpu DOES need to be on ss, as I've never run this stuff ambient.
  13. I mean probably a fair decision. Buying off the bot is basically a guarentee it won't be a golden chip. 10 or so g470s should be plenty to get a pretty nice chip though, from my experience.
  14. Decent g470's (no gold, but plenty good enough for 0.6 )should be for sale soon
  15. For context, currently the cheapest g470 on ebay is $38.99
  16. evga k-boost should work, might need to flash an evga bios if you don't have an evga card
  17. For sale I have 4x 2600k's from my binning project. All tested at 1.55v on SS. Looking for $80+ship each, should be decent daily chips or perhaps you know more about sandy OC than me and can eek some more out of them, I know I certainly don't feel like I know how to OC 2600k If you're interested or have questions you can comment or PM me https://imgur.com/a/KIFlr
  18. Looks like a good deal for anyone in EU After this looks like main supply will be US import, and even shipping small things can't be very cheap over seas
  19. No worries, I will flood the market but it'll be US market. After shipping I can't see most of my rejects being worth it across seas. Although part of that has been that US fleabay has been very kind to me, I've never paid >$20 per chip. Can't speak for other markets. Now to track down some l3014's that are less than $90 a piece
  20. As soon as I can get it to actually save my profile to a USB I have a "magic" bclk profile for sandy bclk. It won't help every chip, but my experience has been that if the chip doesn't like it then it wasn't going to be a 109+ chip anyways. I think there is a little scaling from cold, but mainly binning is what matters as I've also had chips that won't break 106 bclk on ss. For my g470 gold I had bin like 5 or 6 chips. I have probably another 10 more that I ordered before I knew how many to bin, so I'll test those and see how many do 108+ and 109+ when I get around to it.
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