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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Great score! Probably should change the description unless you plan on going back in time!
  2. And I don't think the screenshot is valid I'm afraid
  3. Thanks Basically first time running the bench, first time cold with the platform as well, definitely more to give when I get a refill!
  4. The whole points system depends on the number of submissions, so getting xth position in something with 50 subs will get more points than the same position in a bench with only 10 subs. And yes if you were the first to bench a new cpu that later became popular and managed to keep your 1st position your points for that submission would just keep going up
  5. Certainly not I agree with it making elite/extreme members feel a bit useless as they can't help much. Then again I don't have any usable ASUS motherboards at the moment so I wouldn't be able to help much anyway
  6. Well had my first go with this board cold (and first time with the board properly at all actually) didn't have too much luck, and think I ended up with a crack possibly as towards the end the bios starting freezing and I noticed I showed positive temps for the CPU. I had another quick go this morning (as I wanted to get some scores for the Challenger Div1 comp) and as soon as I tried restarting with 5.5 at 1.7vish at around -100 the bios froze and I saw positive temps in the BIOS again so I just shut down and accepted I won't be entering the comp haha, so I was just wondering on the reliability of that reading, and whether there's anything I can do if it happens or I just have to call it and try again another time? I also had this weird bug where all of the text in AFD disappeared, so I could see what each of the sliders were changing, their values etc and reinstalling it didn't help, anyone had that before? The text was there after I first installed but wasn't after a crash or two.
  7. Thanks, nabbed those a couple of weeks ago before realising I need acronis May just try to get that/ghost since they seem to be preferred in general due to being quicker/easier in theory. Was also meaning for 3D, got a couple of XP images, but I think they don't have the oemthingy flag so moan when I try to use the firadisk thing when installing.
  8. I was trying the preset for 4k air tight of whatever it's called, which once in windows seemed to be fine (only quickly tested XTU to try and get an idea of how it works for Div1 and Maxmem because I've never run it before ) I think in general I just don't get this memory training thing, is it a new way of doing things compared to past generations? (s775 is the last generation I spent any time with at all so I'm a bit out of date ) But thanks, I didn't think the board was bad, was just unsure if I was doing something stupid with all the new (to me) options in the BIOS etc Now just need to find an XP that I can install on it before Thursday....
  9. Had a slightly weird issue where the board would 00 a couple of times the other day whilst doing some basic air testing with the cpu at stock (or close enough), and turning the PSU off then on again would normally allow it to post as normal, any ideas? Hoping to take the board cold this week so don't want to waste time/ln2 dealing with stuff like that if I can help it.
  10. I try to stay away from ebay for reasons like this, I've heard horror stories from both buyers and sellers, far prefer forums with people I know/trust more.
  11. I'm hoping to make it for at least one of the days.
  12. Definitely a potential just need to triple check stuff
  13. Awesome looking setup! Nice to see people do 3D with the card cold
  14. Guessing they mean Heaven, Valley was the previous bench from Unigine I think.
  15. Was confused for a moment before realising the photo was upside down
  16. Yeah fair enough, make a double pack available both with hwbot logo etc and I'll probably grab it hah
  17. So cute! Could be tempted depending on cost.
  18. Saw this earlier and will probably be picking it up, seems to be a pretty good deal to me!
  19. Bump, looking at the 250eur kind of price point if anyone is getting rid of 'old' stock
  20. Obviously the colour coordination helped! Congratulations
  21. Is that a new CPU pot design? Great score!
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