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Everything posted by Splave

  1. Marc if u see a van that says free candy on the side please dont approach it. There is no chocolate inside. You are too nice. Please start hiding your nationality.
  2. I hope he fixes it. I enjoyed benching it. It actually pulls more watts than xtu
  3. Pausing benches in any form while it runs kills the score. This is why asus doesn't even use the pause button anymore. Pausing using Java console is no different scores worse. BTW why are you even playing with a Java console anyways?? Just run the damn benches.
  4. Yes I can find all the x265 cheats. Just need time to look.
  5. Atleast the guys that were doing cinebench actually required the clocks to get a score. I can do this on air and clock up appropriate speed thats not oc thats pure cheat and bs. If we are talking about using big names as a shield to question then what better example is team.au aq3 and 06 cpu test scores. Always loads higher with no need to prove anything. ( i don't care myself just playing devils advocate) If u guys want to start taking about cinebench again then start a thread. This is about $@39@ cheating and how these benchmarks are broken. With all of your attitudes I guess I should have kept this to myself and profited right? For Fsake what more do you want then it all layed out on a plater for you. I could not give a bunnyextraction if he was the king of oc or a noob or whatever other name you want. Not even a thankyou in this thread. Think I might be done here soon. PS a galax card that does 2900mhz doesnt fall from the sky, perhaps it was brought by someone else to share?
  6. Sorry but adding 30-50mhz to no overkill mode will have you spinning your wheels at a lower score than 150mhz less with overkill. Also knowingly affecting the time measurement is in the rules. In this response it still doesnt explain how such a high score is achieved. If I ran 6ghz no overkill the score would be less than 5.8 on a legit run.
  7. Cines wprimes geek gpupi seem safe from what I try. Geek has built in timer that must match or sends error. Wprime says cheat detected, cinebench scoring the same either way. Same as gpupi. 3d I can try some tomorrow or anyone else can try too. Im not software engineer so maybe I'm missing something out of those but that specific cheat is not working using that method. I can try changing the method to see if there is some tolerance you can still get boost from this It should work on any platform since the program uses windows time in the score in some form.
  8. Think so man. This is the now the Greek tweak? If the bench takes longer at a give mhz and scores better it's manipulated time cheat
  9. Maybe easier on 10 core to control you see I hit my target of 125 current record 120. I could fine tune it by wait time. 4.5ghz
  10. You need to start go back one minute in time wait about 3 second then put back forward 1 minute. Bench will jump to halfway done. And score will be high. Regardless you are changing the score by changing the clock. Not good.
  11. Need to start the bench flip back a minute, then it will "pause" but not really paused just looks paused. Then flip minute forward. Profit
  12. Here is how to "tweak" x265 like master $@3&@ The program is so insecure it is using the windows clock to calulate your score. You simply start the bench and change the windows time back 1 minute for however long you want, longer for better score on high core count chips then change it back before the bench is done. This is not a glitch, this is not a bug. This IS a cheat. You can check a legit run side by side to a cheat run. The timer in the bench will show much longer than normal by 15-20% IE 12 seconds instead of 10 seconds. The fact that he didnt use overkill is what made me realise immediately this is a cheat run. Here is an example of overkill 2x and no overkill. I studied this bench for 2 days straight trying all sorts of BS tweaks that are suggested and everyone that helped (thankyou) came to the same conclusion its impossible for no overkill to beat 2x under and circumstances. Here is the 10 core WR on air Global WR on air with 10 core air Validates not problem I feel totally dumbfounded by this. If an angry gorilla in his basement can figure this out then what else can be manipulated??? Well I'll tell you what. Hwbotprime. Here is 2nd place at 4.5ghz got tired of feeling dirty trying for first. Same method used. Change 1 minute backwards then 1 minute forwards before the end. It seems people that know this think its funny to suggest that you need to test all the version of java to find the best. If you are one of those people you can rot in your own special form of hell. Ive spent countless time benching hwbotprime and testing every little nuance and to see this makes me physically ill. So we can guess who has first place in that benchmark also $@3&@.... I call for a ban $@3&@ (1 month leave his scores up and give him two more chances lmfao this place is honestly turning into a joke) and removal of points for hwbotprime and x265 till further notice. Anything less will feel extremely disappointing. Feeling totally unmotivated now, and I feel like nothing will even be addressed so carry on as usual
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