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Everything posted by richiec77

  1. I can verify the time score is inline with my testing with DDR4, Strix-A 12700K similar clock speeds. CPU-Z version is legit per rules of 1.96+ I'd have to dig thru and see if I have a screenshot. Was benching with Doomed83 at the time last weekend
  2. Stage 3 benefits rapid fire on the mouse click
  3. Would you believe me if I said this is with a SP 79 12900K?
  4. Same one. Still can't get freq so going tight as hell worked.
  5. 12700k or 12700kf More fun to work with. Have had x3 12600K's...all are pretty meh. IMC is weaker. Best of the 3 can use 3866. Can post 4K Freq, but is very unstable. (This is DDR4 based, gear 1) Only x1 12700K and does 4133 fairly easily. I'm done buying anymore 12600K's. If I get another one, it'll be binned good one.
  6. Damn....I missed needing memory and Mobo tabs also open. Will re-do for the Comp.
  7. Lots of goodies!
  8. Always felt something was just off about the scores but couldn't pinpoint what. Many times I was chasing him down and just not quite getting there and not able to figure out what I was missing.
  9. https://www.ebay.com/itm/DFI-LandParty-UT-nF3-250Gb/233573543735?hash=item3662116f37:g:-NYAAOSwo69eqMrO Saw this one today.
  10. Received! Everything is in great shape! Good packaging!
  11. Thank you!
  12. Cool. Works for me.
  13. If Gigelz doesn't take the NB pot, I will.
  14. Hahaha! Not my garage. but it does add some color to the background.
  15. As in the System Date needs to be set to 2015?
  16. Tip for whoever gets these: if you want to clean up copper oxidation: use 1 teaspoon of Salt per 1 Cup of Vinegar. Or make a bigger mixture and boil the pots in a ... pot. Non-Freedom units: 4 grams salt to 230mL Vinegar.
  17. Sending you a DM on Discord.
  18. At DICE temps: there's no CB or CBB. So no need to adjust the other voltages used for LN2 benching. Aka PLL termination, DMI....etc. For All Core use: up to around 1.525v-1.585v will work. Disabling HT and down to 3 core for benches like SuperPi you can run up to 1.625v VCore. VCCSA/VCCIO up to 1.45v With Acetone and DICE you'll see Pot temps around -68 to -70C with ZERO load. Once loaded up, the pot will roil like boiling. So mind the overall level of Acetone poured in. Have a rag/Blue Shop towel ready Incase it starts spitting to catch any Acetone. From there if you have too much Acetone, let the dice most burn off and then soak up excess with blue towels. Put DICE in 1st, then pour Acetone over it. Not the other way around. If you want to gauge the amount needed: pour some into the unmounted/empty pot to see how you'll need. You only need enough to cover the base of the pot. Insulation/Condensation proofing is the same for DICE/LN2. Main different is the DICE session doesn't freeze out the board as far. Basically up to your VRM is typically where I see it stop. Or Zero if you have a KP Heater.
  19. "It runs the benchmark or it gets the hose again"
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