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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Need to bookmark this topic. Thanks Stefan for the bump.
  2. Grizzly on both die and between ihs and evap.
  3. Amazing prices and people still don’t buy as they used to. This are the signs of a dying comunity :(.
  4. Another tim on both die and ihs. Voltages are the same as i used on my wc setup. It turns out it is indeed a temp limit after all,at least in this case.
  5. And another 4 s if you disable 6c and push another 100 mhz. Even if you activate Ln2 mode you can set vdmi 1.2//pll termination 1.2// cpu standby voltage 1.2v // pll bandwith level 0 and you have normal temperature.
  6. Great score indeed,was targeting this one but no chance on my 7700k to even get close to him. I hope this sunday will be a better day with the next cpu.
  7. Congrats,i worked for this also but couldn’t go past over 5650.. Next time put some mobo tab in it as well :).
  8. Do you use sata for ssd/hdd or old school ide with hdd ? I dunno if it was a myth or not , that sata port falls down after a certain pcie freq and also that it’s good to disable all non esentials like lan/audio etc as they might die (Evga had a lot of this issue). Necer tested myself,only what i heard at others.
  9. I think you mean bclk 236 instead of 136 and on first phrase 118 pcie instead of bclk. Thank you for the tips,need to test mines as well but too many things to test and limited time.
  10. It was in idle :D. In load it reached -64/65 for Geekbench. Important fact is that i have no positives in load as i kept coretemp opened in all my test besides spi,and it never reached positives.
  11. -68 Celsius in spi32m full load,goes to -64 in cb15. It's a single stage not a cascade so only 1 stage. Thanks bullant,need to shave one more second to be efficient :).
  12. Great job and now both of us benched with Manu :)). You need to come in Romania next time .
  13. Solved the problem :). Thanks to all who posted.
  14. Latelly many 8 ghz subs arround. Great job Tagg !
  15. I still needto bench my 8700k,thanks for posting this :).
  16. How come Elite is different than extreme? karta idea is really good,put a tag so you know which one is Elite but no other difference between them. You are talking about enthusiast not going into apprentice but meanwhile there are more extreme not going into Elite although they are sponsored.
  17. I don’t think slow mode is needed cause it takes max 4 degrees between runs and it recovers them fast :). Will try with other cpus soon after i finish at least a couple of test with this cpu.
  18. Almost done 5800 with same voltage. I think i got the trick,will update soon,meanwhile an idle temp from my unit made by @Nachtfalke and tuned for 400w load.
  19. Can you explain in detail how you can do that ? How come others play with voltages of 1.7v on ambient cooling ,i cannot gain even 50 mhz after 5.7 on 4c/8 or 5.9 2c same voltages@1.45v. I feel bad knowing that there is still plenty of headroom ,voltage wise ,and my ss even in load stays ~60’s.
  20. Hey guys, so i bought a ss unit and cannot find settings to make my 7700k a good bencher over 1.45v . So far what i managed to obtain on Apex 9 and 1.43v it’s only 5700 mhz cb15 stable. Can you share what voltages/settings you use to maximize your freq as from this point doesn’t scale anymore even if i push 1.6v in it.
  21. 2011 not allowed but 1366 and it’s xeon’s it is Is there any octacore xeon on 1366?.
  22. Saw this on facebook,nice run and amazing cpu !
  23. 8600k or 8700k ?
  24. It doesn't really matter if he uses chiller or not, the result is great and should be appreciated. If indeed he uses this kind of methods he will realise in time that they we're pointless to hide them as you have no satisfaction in competing with an airplane on a horse race. Nevertheless, great score and bring many more of this.
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