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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. @dancop has tested it and might be able to share any differences. I was considering getting one but got 144hz 1440p instead
  2. Was a great competition with honestly more competitive results than originally expected
  3. GT1 gains a lot from gpu too. Can see the boost vs my previous score (got others in between too) which had same cpu/mem clocks iirc
  4. I am not saying that the guy cheated but the following can be done easily (less than 1 min) http://prntscr.com/hxpmhl Just something to keep in mind
  5. just tried to decrypt the numbers from the screenshot to find the url lol
  6. interested in 5. Does it have any accessories?
  7. for sale the best card I had. Its the retail I used for goc qualifiers. Runs full pot 2775 MHz timespy (crashed after paste cracked @last 10 sec of gt 2) and 2975 MHz gpupi. You get card with full box and accessories. Comes insulated. Price 1200€ http://prntscr.com/hw718j
  8. edited my original post I want both shipped to Greece. Thanks
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