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Everything posted by Pulse88

  1. Thanks think tho with stronger cascade card Will do 1150+ core If I keep load at -100 and an better evap. Mem is not maxed out just safe.no nead to max out card yet.
  2. The card is cooled by an older cascade. The one of pic is bart x on cpu and is very strong. I can run 03 at 6.5ghz 9900ks with that one. Or 3dm 06 6.3ghz+ On gpu i have one with older Evap design but bypass valve for cbb (-83). Handy cascade but less powerfull. Built by piotress under s775 quad era. Card does 950/1944/1300 with chilled water. (-21 watertemp). Will update pics later.
  3. Pulse88

    Old VGA's

    Nice collection of cards. Many of them is Hard to find now a days with retail package or in working condition. God luck with sale.
  4. Great work with the Lightning. Any cb on it?
  5. Thats right. 2-3 phase was just an idea. Think your design is a win when it comes to space taken. And would love it to scale upp in phases for more use areas. Many old gpus might only nead 2-5 better phases to be maxed out on core. And evga powerboard is to big and clumsy and overkill etc. Not to mention the rarity of evbot today. Best regards
  6. Yeah its an nice card. Had good voltage scaling on ambient.
  7. Nice review. Lets hope elmor do one with 2-3 phases version also. Love the compact design.
  8. -107 idle and -102 load evap. Its bartx 55mm one for better delta etc.
  9. Will be even better soon have stronger cascades. This one used have 45mm stepper with low weight and eff for testing. Guess temps for core is in strong SS or dice range. Card does 1420/1885 with -10 deegres water.
  10. Thanks Tobias @Gtijason and kim55 The Bartx Cascade is very strong it can handle 18core 9980xe in 5.4ghz in cb 15 as an example. Must say 3dm03 has been fun bench to learn. But took alot of time.
  11. Agree most important is to have fun and learn new things on the way.
  12. Horrible to read this. Thats adds up earlier threads against same overclocker. I Hate scammers, Have had my share of this before. But from Dimastech. Think its time for hwbot to take action. This seems to be an second atempt from same user. Sell Cracked dies go dark afterwards seems to be the red line. In your and Noxnites case. In Dimastech scam: talk get prepay and then stop responding. So times run by so refund gets impossible (paypal etc). Outcome found raiser here in hwbot for first time in history i guess. He clearly try to get in the dark so Paypal time span run out for buyer protection, My 5 cents for your case. Dimas did the same thing for me back then.
  13. Welldone nice to se someone to push eff on legendary platform and to try new things. This is what oc should be about, think and do outside the box from evryone else. Impressive for most of us in the oc community . :)
  14. I am smoking cigarr to celebrate the New year. Happy new year and God luck with sell mahuadi.
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