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HWBOT Rev.4 - The Plan.


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Hello all,


Since we're getting good feedback on the plan, it's time to make it public for everyone. In the attached document, you will find the plans for the upcoming HWBOT Rev4. The major changes are:


- Splitting up the manufacturer and end-user overclocking playground.

- New style of teams league.

- Live overclocking competitions affecting your point total.


Later this week, HWBOT will have an interview with OC-TV (as were both staying in Taipei) and we'll discuss this new revision. If you have any questions or remarks, post it here and the answer should make the video. Also, please note that the titles of the leagues is still a working title. In addition, we're also still discussing with MFCs to what extend they can be involved.


Eta: 2011.

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Uh, another question: given that hw sharing is practically "defeated" in the new rev, would now be possible for the teams to buy common hw?

I mean, in our team nobody has thousands of euros to "trash" in hw, so nobody, except for one guy, has a 980x which is a strong limiting factor.

If we buy a 980x in 6 or 7 people togheter to share the expense, can we pass it each other to bench what we want, right? The only score that will earn points will be the higher... am I correct Pieter?

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So, if in a team there are 10x5870, only the best score in each benchmark will earn points?

All the other submissions will simply remain in the DB, without gettint points, neither for the user nor for the team?

Sounds great :D


They will give points to the user account, but not add anything to the team.


The idea is that this way we want people to meet up more often and have a nice bench session together. Maybe someone has a good CPU and someone else a nice GPU, so they team up for good team scores.


what about the HW points limit?


The normal overclocking league for the majority of the overclockers will have a changed ratio between global and hardware points. I'm not sure how we will do it practically, but we will add more value to hardware points.


HW points limit will go up, in other words ;).


Uh, another question: given that hw sharing is practically "defeated" in the new rev, would now be possible for the teams to buy common hw?

I mean, in our team nobody has thousands of euros to "trash" in hw, so nobody, except for one guy, has a 980x which is a strong limiting factor.

If we buy a 980x in 6 or 7 people togheter to share the expense, can we pass it each other to bench what we want, right? The only score that will earn points will be the higher... am I correct Pieter?


The hardware sharing rule will still be present, I think. We have rendered hardware sharing for team points pointless, but it's still there for the user rankings.


For 3D, having a shared CPU has never been a problem, by the way :).

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If 5 guys on 1 team bench the same GPU or CPU, will their personal points totals still increase?


It sounds as though only the guys with LN2 can improve/have a strong impact on their team score. I oppose that, seriously. It gives the entirely wrong message to guys starting out. "LN2 or you are useless to us" It also puts more work onto the LN2 users in a team if the team is to increase their ranking



XOL Vs UFL: If manufacturers are asked to focus hardware support on the UFL, the sponsorship circle will be harder to break into, I suspect. What is the rough limit of company support before a user is classed as Corporate?



Im interested to see how you calculate XOL on Global points to take the emphasis off the latest hardware?



Competition points: There aren't enough places in the qualifiers to give everyone a shot and this will affect their XOL ranking. In this respect, people WILL be told "No, you cant compete"


It could enter a closed circle. Companies might take the best regional guys in the XOL to represent at regional qualifiers and the best guys are probably gonna be the ones who were involved in the events the previous year.



You're placing a fair emphasis on company support... HWB cant tell them what to do.


"manufacturers are asked, however, to focus on the UFL"


Could be interpreted as "Dont give him hardware, he's not high enough up the food chain"




Hardware frequency limitation: Hello downclock.



Frequency cap based on average OC of the component: I hope thats a fixed value, decided on at the start of each competition

Edited by K404
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If 5 guys on 1 team bench the same GPU or CPU, will their personal points totals still increase?


It sounds as though only the guys with LN2 can improve/have a strong impact on their team score. I oppose that, seriously. It gives the entirely wrong message to guys starting out. "LN2 or you are useless to us" It also puts more work onto the LN2 users in a team if the team is to increase their ranking


Think so, too.

Doubt that this is the right way.

Edited by der8auer
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A member of my team just wrote:


"With this rule Turrican can start his own team and it will take the lead" :D


For sure you want to avoid hardware sharing but this is not the right way. Only the big overclockers can push their team than. I think this will be realy disappointing for the "small" overclockers.

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Kenny what's the difference with the current rev or the upcoming rev4 regarding LN2 or other extreme cooling ? If you don't put the CPU and or GPU on Phase, Dice or LN2 you will normally not be in top 10 for that particular hardware...


Only change is indeed that the user points remain...Though team points yes will be influenced.


Look at it from another perspective : If one user benches the card(s) on LN2 the whole team will benefit. Most clockers start out with Air/water. If they are keeping interest high, they might explore more exotic cooling. This new rule no longer requires a zillion of GTX480 scores to get the team up high... and it's a great way to avoid the shameless hardware sharing we have seen so often.


If you want to be high on the individual ranking board Cascade or LN2 is the only way to go... this is really not new is it ?


But with the new ambient cooling rankings it will become more interesting for the newcomers or diehard ambient clockers...


It's all about the fun, don't forget that... each entry counts, it being 100 points or 0.1 points

Edited by Leeghoofd
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The difference is that with the proposed Rev4, people will contribute NOTHING to their team no matter how hard they try and what kind of motivation is that? At the moment, water, phase in a popular category will get a user a ranking and some points and will make them feel good. It will drive them on.


If this change goes ahead, what exactly is the point of anyone new joining HWB? They cant help a team. "Do what you can with what you have" becomes pretty much a kick in the face



A zillion GTX480 cards make no difference. Global scores are e-peen. Hardware scores are what get teams ranked well.


We arent going to avoid hardware sharing with this rule. I dont think people share GPUs/ CPUs FOR THE TEAM. Benching is a personal thing, they share for their own total.

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The difference is that with the proposed Rev4, people will contribute NOTHING to their team no matter how hard they try and what kind of motivation is that? At the moment, water, phase in a popular category will get a user a ranking and some points and will make them feel good. It will drive them on.


If this change goes ahead, what exactly is the point of anyone new joining HWB? They cant help a team. "Do what you can with what you have" becomes pretty much a kick in the face



A zillion GTX480 cards make no difference. Global scores are e-peen. Hardware scores are what get teams ranked well.


We arent going to avoid hardware sharing with this rule. I dont think people share GPUs/ CPUs FOR THE TEAM. Benching is a personal thing, they share for their own total.

I have to agree with you on this. I feel dirty now, but you're correct.:D

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lol can anyone lay this out in simple bullet point terms, I must be half retard because I just dont get it :D


It's very simple sharing vga's in a team is pointless now.


Teams with money to afford to buy countless vga's = pointless for team now.


It levels the playing field for those teams not so fortunate hardware wise to have 20 vidcards in the same category if it's really indeed 20 diff cards ;) or the need to have a large amount of benchers and constantly be recruiting....., encourages teams to bench as whoa hold on for this one "AS A TEAM" as in together at the same location.


It's quite obvious as the way things are currently that a team with maybe 10-15 active benchers has no chance against teams with 50 active benchers. Geez this team has top ranks, this one doesn't which team shall i join? It's quite obvious not many will go to a losing team.


OLD saying


Gangs are powerfull in numbers, take the numbers away and your left with a couple of punks with no spines.


@ k404 it doesn't seem to effect user points so users can still bench........and with the ambient above 0c category well you don't even see how its implemented yet......


If you really think hardware sharing is not going on, well you need to open your eyes ;)


One sign will be team's upset over this, however now that I just explained that no one will be quite so quick to condemn at least that part of the revision for fear of looking guilty.

Edited by chew*
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This is a horrible revision that seems designed for all intents and purposes to eliminate the small overclockers being competitive all together and feed the "pros" (I use the term loosely. Slap a pallet of new parts in my hands and I'll pwn 1/2 of the so called pros) and their corporate sponsors. It's nicely wrapped in a package of promoting fairness but I can wrap a turd in Christmas paper but it's still a turd.

Edited by OptyTrooper
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It's very simple sharing vga's in a team is pointless now.


Teams with money to afford to buy countless vga's = pointless for team now.


It levels the playing field for those teams not so fortunate hardware wise to have 20 vidcards in the same category if it's really indeed 20 diff cards ;) or the need to have a large amount of benchers and constantly be recruiting....., encourages teams to bench as whoa hold on for this one "AS A TEAM" as in together at the same location.


It's quite obvious as the way things are currently that a team with maybe 10-15 active benchers has no chance against teams with 50 active benchers. Geez this team has top ranks, this one doesn't which team shall i join? It's quite obvious not many will go to a losing team.


OLD saying


Gangs are powerfull in numbers, take the numbers away and your left with a couple of punks with no spines.


@ k404 it doesn't seem to effect user points so users can still bench........and with the ambient above 0c category well you don't even see how its implemented yet......


If you really think hardware sharing is not going on, well you need to open your eyes ;)


One sign will be team's upset over this, however now that I just explained that no one will be quite so quick to condemn at least that part of the revision for fear of looking guilty.


Chew you are an absolute bumbling idiot and you show it every day. I actually get a little dumber every time I read a post from you.

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If you really think hardware sharing is not going on, well you need to open your eyes ;)


One sign will be team's upset over this, however now that I just explained that no one will be quite so quick to condemn at least that part of the revision for fear of looking guilty.

This is about the most bullshit statement I think I've ever seen.

Now we can accuse anyone that complains about the change of sharing HW. You're a peach dude.:rolleyes:

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Thats totally Crap, please dont change Rev.3, a few things are very nice but the Rest....




i like hwbot the way it is now.

we need only a more efficient staff that can take decisions about cheating/sharing etc etc in a few days, not months like it is now.

except that slowness you are doing a great work with hwbot.

Edited by Mafio
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