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The official HWBOT Country Cup 2014 thread.


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Yeah its a bit of a shame really. Some people are unhappy no matter what, and will always spend a lot of time and energy complaining / criticising instead of getting on and doing something about it. I guess this is just human nature in action!!!


Anyway - thanks for the competition HWBOT. It was very intense and a lot of fun. It certainly got the Australian community very mobilised and focused, and it was great to see new guys stepping up and contributing to our results - even on air / water / ice etc!! The low clock challenge and enthusiast stages were a really good idea - and gave plenty of space for others to contribute to the cause.


Tops off a great year of competitions and events - love ya work!!!!


Very wise words matey!!

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what a BS country cup this year total fail





JK, But to be honest I did like earlier years where there was more stages with less submissions per stage. Made it a little bit more interesting to me. Also I liked the variety better of previous years like PCI stage for VGA benching was pretty cool. I just found it hard to get interested in it this year but maybe that was just me busy with other things. Maybe do some really old gear next year for some other niche guys getting interested.


Lastly, I know that new blood is good blood but limiting a whole stage to just amateurs was a turn off as well.



Great job to the team AU guys, made us all look like chumps!

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I think the 24 hour round was pretty cool, but I had a 12 hour work shift that day and left me very little time to get the system going. Maybe next time give more notice on the hardware requirements and just give 24 hours notice on the bench?




The hardware requirements were announced along with the other parts of the competition. From Day 1 it said AMD CPU + 1x AMD GPU :)

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The hardware requirements were announced along with the other parts of the competition. From Day 1 it said AMD CPU + 1x AMD GPU :)


Yeah, but myself and many others I presume assumed it meant a special AMD card. As in the hardware would be announced with 24 hours to go. Judging by Wizerty's post, the French assumed the same. I guess it was just in the wording.

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Based on these years of Country Cup, for next year's CC Here's an idea:


1) Pi 32M Low-Clock Stage

- would be interesting since there's broadwell next year

- should be spread from high-end to low-end, and maybe just one legacy (LGA775/1156)

- not too much submission per stage please, 7 is ok, 10 is too much :P


2) Enthusiast stage (with temp limits, so ambient cooling, limited to rookie/enthusiast/novice)

- Limit hardware to mainstream ones for CPU & GPU?

- just make sure the temp detection on the benchmark used is reliable

- optional: if the benchmark needed a license, can hwbot ask futuremark to put a special discount for the members participating? we will appreciate it :)

- 3 submission is okay, 5 maybe pushing it?


3) 'All-out' Single GPU Stage

- 3-5 submission is okay, spread from low-end to highest-end

- make it very GPU-bound, so CPU not matter much? (and epowering the low-end GPU will give advantage)

- Pick bench which gives Global points, if possible


4) 'All-out' CPU Stage

- pick 3-5 CPU, spread from low-end to high-end, do a multithreaded CPU-heavy bench.

- Pick bench which gives Global points, if possible


5) 'Unknown' 24h stage

- Specify some limitations in the beginning so people know it

- Preferably spread across many hardware, and mainstream class (hopefully not like this year, where 290X and highest 8-core FX is necessary)

- announce the benchmark 24h before stage ends

- only 1 stage please


6) Target Stage

- No hardware limitation, Specify a benchmark and rules. Pick a date to announce the target score, give special wallpaper for this one, and give 24hours to match the target, the first hit target wins.

- 1 stage


7) Legacy hardware (CPU/GPU) + Legacy benchmark Stage

- 1-3 Submission

- Pick legacy hardware which gives lots of hardware point, to give it more incentive


or better, make a 'comittee' one-two month earlier to discuss what benchmark/hardware should be put on Country Cup


Just thinking out loud :D

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you didnt try skydiver then mate lol


So I guess it has subtests that have to be run in a different order, with different lod for each, and the hardware clocks adjusted to give exactly the optimum result in each subtest. Oh...wait....


Changing 3 system settings doesn't take much knowledge from my point of view. But if you like to brag about that, good for you. Much Sky Diver, so tweaking, such amazed...

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Following up from Alva's post, I reall like those target oc comps.


Have a target OC stage, 5 benchmarks that vary high/low cpu, high/low/multiple gpu. Maybe allow the benchmarks names before hand, but the scores all released at the same time. That way, it becomes a mad scramble for all countries to get as many people as possible onboard to bench across the board, and isn't dominated by a handful of people for all stages.


Please take into consideration the timezones then. Starting at 3am for some countries would wipe them out of contention completely.


Oh and aim for scores that would be very hard to hit exactly. No fun there to get a the score in 2hrs, to then move onto other benches.



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Quick ? Guys is there a reason there hasn't been an announcement for the finish of the competition or have I missed it altogether.


Also do like some of the suggestions for the next one.


Mods are going over the results still - we'll announce the final ranking soon.


But 1/2/3 are decided already :celebration:

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I'm sure you'll be right to move up to the extreme league now, Scott. Poor bloke has been waiting the whole country cup to start playing with sub zero haha.


Cheers robbo, have been dying to play with cold for a bit and move up to XOC.


R.I.P 10th in the Australian extreme rankings


A lot of silicon luck I reckon newlife has helped me here, with still a lot to learn.



Still 70p behind you Fat, so some effort still needed.


Mods are going over the results still - we'll announce the final ranking soon.


But 1/2/3 are decided already :celebration:


Thanks Pieter, I just didn't want to move up to XOC and some how it invalidate my round 3 sub, which is why I've been waiting.

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