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  On 1/11/2021 at 6:12 PM, Leeghoofd said:

Dear mr Matthew,

1.Roman has some ideas for the points, the programmer has to translate it into code. If something is up on UAT I'll post it here so you guys can try it and evaluate it.

2. Change to GPUPI 3.3 has been requested in the 3D thread, no change was mentioned for the 3.2 for CPU... Anyway I talked to Matt and GPUPI 4.0 will not be very different in output than v3.3, so we can merge those probably in the future.


Yes the WR points column will be removed, only the WR rank will remain when watching the sub and will change a tiny bit like this



thanks dad

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Wow is pcmark10 really $30?


Alright I'll be the guy that complains then. 2D is gutted, r15 gone is like the superpi32m of multi threaded benches. how could this have even have been considered? wprime is next? it might be the most full out non mem influenced 2d bench we had full cpu horsepower. 

what we have it its place is y-cruncher which is fine, its not a cpu bench really its a cache/memory bench. AVX is so heavily influential a 10 core intel x299 processor at stock beats a 16 core amd one on ln2.  Its worth literally nothing 70 points for gold yet its more popular than 8k superPOS  (180 points yes crazy I know) which for some reason also we have 2 versions of this bench with 1080p also being added. These benchmarks arent any harder based on the resolution just check out the front page. set 2640mhz and run them all? I thought that was why we got ride of FS/FSE/FSU all getting points...

Pcmark10 Express is also worth nothing also.... because its 2D and I guess we don't really value 2D even though its more popular. 

GPUPI 3.3 for 3d I believe is scaled properly.       

I think there is some heavy reconsiderations that need to be made. This is my opinion.            



Edited by Splave
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in December it was +/-12 euros for the entire 3Dmark and PCMark suite... Monitor them Steam sales...

Don't focus on the attributed points, this will change around March... transition time and patience from your side is required.

Wprime not gonna open that convo again, it's done and dealth with.

CBR15 replaced by R20 seems a logic evolution. We got remarks R15 is too fast on modern setups. Secondly if we can figure out a "legal" HWBOT mod for eg R20 or R23, that might be in the pipeline.

Y-cruncher is really though benchmark, good to have an AVX benchmark so its not only Vermeer for the multicore action in CB, Geek,...

PCMARK10 was picked to give people an option to bench their storage and also to compare our overclocked data with the ones from reviews etc,...  Express doesn't scale so heavily with cores as the Extended version according to Charles, but it's done in around 10 minutes. The Extended is like 30 minutes ish... So its a compromise and yes something out of the comfort zone for many benchers here, but you guys quickly adapt.


  • 2 weeks later...

Same with Ycruncher, my 1B wr gave me 20 points.  I dont care about points so I am not complaining, I am  just pointing out that the reward is off so that my WR did not make it to front page and got zero attention and you guys know how I love attention.

  On 1/29/2021 at 3:34 AM, FUGGER said:

Same with Ycruncher, my 1B wr gave me 20 points.  I dont care about points so I am not complaining, I am  just pointing out that the reward is off so that my WR did not make it to front page and got zero attention and you guys know how I love attention.


There are no wr pts anymore, so global pts will be based on how popular that core count is. Although points will be completely revamped soon so expect more pts in the future. 

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  On 1/29/2021 at 12:55 AM, Mikecdm said:

Is PCmark10 express supposed to get hardware points at any time?  So far only globals.


Yes passed that too the programmer

  On 1/29/2021 at 3:34 AM, FUGGER said:

Same with Ycruncher, my 1B wr gave me 20 points.  I dont care about points so I am not complaining, I am  just pointing out that the reward is off so that my WR did not make it to front page and got zero attention and you guys know how I love attention.


Which one is that Charles, now like Yosi mentioned these points wil all be redone end of March , so don't focus too hard on it right now

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All depends on how high you are in ranking Mattsglobetrotter. Top rankers will have less points probably as the point level might be limited to eg max 150points for first global. User down the ranking will get more points in general (more hardware and global points as we will remove the point cut-off). 

As soon as stuff is moving we will give everybody a heads up to check it out on the test server.

  • 2 weeks later...
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  On 12/27/2020 at 12:30 AM, Mr.Scott said:

I remember when benchmarking was synonymous to overclocking hardware. Now it swings toward hacking software more so than overclocking hardware.

Have to draw the line somewhere........and stick to it. 


For me the line is when you change the way of the intended benchmark process / calculation. I remember PCMark05 was crazy, because all subtests were changed in a way that the calculations the CPU / GPU had to do were actually way fewer than intended by altering files making them basically free, processing wise, or using newer programs like Media Encoder or newer browser. Even good old LOD "tweak" and 3D Overrider was used. And actually we could discuss here if LOD and disabling Tess were ever a good idea because in this case, they absolutely change the way a calculation was intended. But the thing is, that the bot wasn't stringent on this. Changing graphics to a state where you can only see blur is okay but using media encoder or some kind of cache is not. For me its obvious that we lived for years in a grey area where people were confused whats wrong and whats right. Thankfully Alby is cleaning all this mess now.

And PCM05 relied too much on external files. When they developed the bench, the relied on a specific version of the browser or the media encoder and settings of Windows without checking them before the launch. I mean, what's the point of disabling settings in Internet Explorer and you get awarded by receiving a higher score? The concept of this bench was just plain wrong and it actually has to get wiped from the bot.

As _mat_ already said, benchmarks relying on external files could change their behavior just because you install update for program xyz and receive other vb runtimes and you just don't even recognize. But just because you use an dll file where some functions are just a little better optimized, the calculation itself stay the same, so for me thats legit. And when I look at the rankings, I see big differences even with very old results with the same clock speeds. And no, thats not because they use older wprime. 

Its nice that he now implemented showing which dll file you used. Even better would be to have something similar for GPU-PI. Because there its also only necessary to put the opencl compiler dll in the folder. Installed driver doesn't matter.

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User have seen benchmarks dissapear and got pretty worried as it seemed HWBOT has wiped their scores. I even overheard it was a personal vendetta...

Many benchmarks have been put into alpha state, so they are not visible on the current benchmarks list, but the ranking is archived.

Some examples:

AIDA64: https://hwbot.org/benchmark/aida64_-_memory_read_(alpha)/

WInrar: https://hwbot.org/benchmark/winrar_(alpha)/


How do you find them? Just type in the name in the search bar




Now some benchmarks are still up there, even though they have been put in alpha state... so we need to fix that

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  • 2 weeks later...

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