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Everything posted by Bones

  1. Thanks guys. Will be working it since the comp isn't even close to being over yet.
  2. Wrong version of Super PI used, must be either version 1.5 or 1.6 per rules for this bench.
  3. Great work Kotori-san! I've much work to do for even getting close to that one!
  4. Did a pair of runs with GPU PI and a newly aquired R9 380X GPU. This is the exact GPU I am using: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126048 After the runs were completed I submitted the data files and it came up as a R9 285..... Which it's not. I also do not have the option shown to recalculate the result. Submission links: 1B GPUPI: http://hwbot.org/submission/3174064_ 32B GPUPI: http://hwbot.org/submission/3174065_ I know you probrably can't do much with the program itself but could you at least fix the entry so it's within the proper category with points? Thanks!
  5. Nice run! :celebration: Now I'll have to beat that.
  6. Great job Flanker! :celebration: Hey, I'll just admit it - Woudn't mind having one to test drive myself to see what I could do with it.
  7. How many points do you get if it loads in under 8 minutes? How about Global points..... Maybe? I'll be gunning for that score dude.
  8. I'm about 2 hours away myself, give or take depending on traffic.
  9. Awwww.... But doesn't matter, my 754 stuff is on standby.
  10. Same here - Forgot to do that before subbing the marker. If you could simply delete it I can redo the marker later with the info I needed to put in it myself.
  11. I'll try that and see. Thanks!
  12. The site doesn't seem to have what the 7870K uses for it's graphics in the database. Tried to sub an entry based on the APU and it says it can't find anything for the R7 with this chip and says I must enter a graphics card - Problem is as you can see there is no actual "card" in use, it's all based on the APU's R7 graphics. If there is something I need to know what it is/what it's called. Thanks!
  13. My latest run. http://hwbot.org/submission/3020825_
  14. Me too - If I have the stuff I'll play as well. :nana:
  15. I guess it doesn't matter if it's Knobblerbrute or whoever, whatever team we talk about there's always the possibility of some funny stuff going on. Hopefully the respective captains of each team will help keep things straight.
  16. One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is the fact there are a few here with an insane amount of points vs others to the point if and when they should decide to swap teams it skews the team rankings for a bit. The top 3 teams haven't had much activity lately related to swapping places but all three are within 2000 points of each other. We at CP have been bumped by OCF a few times since aquiring the 4th place spot so there's competition in that as well with OCN nipping at OCF's heels. This means at least the top 6 spots are indeed being contested, it's just not so noticeable for now with the points spread between 3rd and 4th place and with all three top teams just going at it and keeping pace with each other..... Or maybe just not doing alot ATM but I doubt it. There is alot of competition going on, I don't see a need to once again change things around for now - Let it ride because I'm sure once the Country Cup starts we'll see some competition.
  17. Gotcha - However I believe I'll stand pat where I'm at. I was curious about the premise of the team itself overall - Looks like you guys will have some fun.
  18. Nah - I'd go broke trying to get all those GPUs and you'd disown me since I'm such a terrible 3D bencher anyway...... I'll admit that's never been a strong point for me.
  19. Hmmm.... Sounds interesting. Is this for a future comp that's AMD only or something? A temporary AMD-only league of some kind done as a comp with teams within it? :battle:
  20. It's no harder to OC them than anything else, trick it to get the right pieces and figure out how to tweak them, just like all the rest. As for availability, I can't participate in the majority of comps hosted here because I don't have/can't get the "Correct" pieces needed but I'm not complaining about it so much - Again it's the same as it's been with other comps. I don't know who decided what and maybe that was a bit of a goof but the oddity of it is part of the challenge in the first place. I don't mind trying something that's off the wall just to see if I can even do it. However I do agree it has to be rooted in reality as in whether or not it's feasable. I did host a comp once that had PI Fast running with 18 iterations instead of the usual 6, that made it more of a stability run like 32M Super PI. Also capped the speed at 2800MHz to make it a real challenge for tweaking RAM to get the best results and it was based on Socket 939, hence the 2800MHz cap. Comps can be done in many different ways, the challenge is to dream it in the first place and come up with a workable format to make it a reality.
  21. Looks legit to me - I checked that and yes, the board model he used does have onboard graphics. His GPU-Z reading shows he did use the onboard IGP so from here it looks valid. However let the mods do their job, I do believe this one will stand but if it's borked somehow, I'm sure they'll say so.
  22. Looks like I have work to do in this socket and will get around to that once the weather begins to cool down here.
  23. No heatspreader, looking at the bare core of the GPU to get the info of what it "is". I agree, seems ATI made several variants of this card model but all look to be more or less the same in their overall specs. Maybe a touch more RAM on one model or something (Later revision?) but roughly the same thing.
  24. Seems that I have one not listed in those links, an ATI 3D Rage Pro Turbo.... However could be it is one of the linked cards with a different name, I dunno. I have at least three variants of the Rgae cards including the one shown in the first link.
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