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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. well no joke it took our team almost 3 hours to complete the upping of the submissions, sometimes having to redo some scores 3-4 times before it was accepted.... Finally you end up with blank score screens and the user makes mistakes out of frustration... Thanks to the members and espeically the moderators to keep up with the erratic behavior of the site....
  2. if it powers off twice at 60 postcode before succesfully posting, your memory timings need fine tuning
  3. I just hink you both got an unlucky chip as I do. FYI mine can do CBB at -40 and CB at -75. My teammate A12X has the same 7850K cpu which has CBB at -75 and CB at -115 (tested on same motherboard)
  4. Final recalc is Massmans power, he's back on the way to Taipei from the Indonesian OC event... Thank you for your patience
  5. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, not an Aussie interaction plz Matt... Don't dare to give the link to Neil!!!! Although never mind, everybody continues, though just keep it polite and no more thread derailing. Back on the topic, so no more personal mudslinging, or banana things from the past, just focus on the present and how we can learn from it.
  6. I dig your sarcasm, but however the only reflection I have is that it is all thanks to those that want to go that extra mile, they spoil most of the fun for others... why can't people just run a benchmark and focus on raw clocks again... I have no issue with efficiency tuning by using other OSses and co,. However from the moment you start to tinker with internal clocks, swap images & encoders you know you are stretching it. It is all up to the keyboard warriors, they have to look in the mirror, not the Bot... Just my two cents on another big dissapointment for the OC scene and by the way thanks to Dr Allen for adding extra work for the moderation team
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