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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. Nothing special , it was a marketing product. (kind of collector's item). Companies back then , used to offer "special edition" products from time to time. Abit had the "Casper" , Asus had the "Black Pearl" , Aopen had the "Millenium edition" , and so on. Dont expect to have any performance gain compared to a regular CUSL2
  2. The MSI , GTX-480 Lightning is on its way. Boxed and with some accessories. I hope you enjoy it.
  3. I have the feeling , that they will show up ... even at the last minute. We'll see
  4. George I am not talking about members of H.O.T. (i've already notified everybody , with mails , pm's , forum posts). I am expecting the "big boys" We are very few left , we don't have the luxury to spare anybody nowadays.
  5. Let's hope that you (+ one more person) are not the only members showing interest in Country Cup.
  6. George You should check stage 7 and afterwards for your hardware.
  7. Hi everybody I decited instead of private messaging members here , to open this thread , so that Greeks from all teams maybe get motivated and participate in something bigger. PM me or post here please. We can go much higher than this https://hwbot.org/competition/CountryCup2019/
  8. Ευχαριστώ αγορίνα !!!
  9. It's been too many years since i last used a Soltek "golden flame" ... but i have a faint memory of being able to use a floppy drive during installation of winxp for a sata drive. Maybe i'm wrong though.
  10. Hi everybody If not mistaken , that's the latest version shamino provided. Anybody has a download link ?
  11. If you are sure that this is the only damage done ... and judging from Pic 1 , i would say that sometimes a good technician , can do "wonders" Give it a try.
  12. You should check at least his latest Rev3 version Back then along with dfi-street forums , Hellfire was also posting (with an other username) at xtremesystems.org I am almost certain he was posting logs. Anyway Hellfire Rev3 if i'm not mistaken is based on 1/21
  13. Excellent work you doing here (everybody involved). It's really nice to see that after so many years , there is still passion about making this platform gen , even greater than before (better than it's glory days). But i noticed that there is no Hellfire love in this effort ... why so ?
  14. Fire Strike benchmarks are only available in the Windows editions of 3DMark. ⚠ Fire Strike tests are demanding benchmarks designed for high-end hardware. If your system scores less than 2800 in Fire Strike you should run Sky Diver instead. Fire Strike is a DirectX 11 benchmark for high-performance gaming PCs and overclocked systems. Fire Strike is very demanding, even for the latest graphics cards. If your frame rate is low, use Sky Diver instead. Fire Strike Extreme is designed for testing PCs with multiple GPUs (minimum 1.5 GB graphics card memory required). It raises the rendering resolution from 1920 ×1080 to 2560 ×1440 and improves the visual quality. Fire Strike Ultra is a dedicated test for 4K gaming. It raises the rendering resolution to 3840 × 2160 (4K UHD), four times larger than 1080p. A 4K monitor is not required, but your graphics card must have at least 3GB of memory.
  15. Instead of opening the door to rare or pricey or professional vga's ... should we consider lowering the 3dmark preset , so that the more common dual vga's could compete ?
  16. That stage 14 , is a bit tough. Dual gpu's (old gen included) are limited. The ultra preset , makes the choices even less ... and you need modern and pricey or rare staff Excluding the proffesional vga's , is somehow expected , but does not solve anything tbh.
  17. Which exact vga's are capable of running , stage 14 ? I wanna see , if i have time for a fund-raise ? ?
  18. A 10th anniversary logo , would look really great on this wallpaper !!!
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