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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. I would have expected some very clear pictures of all those Quadro's ... in this round-1. I've only seen a few of them , showing the sticker with model and s/n.
  2. ok Very simply put. The VW Golf diesel , was just an example (and nothing more). An example of someone not knowing the truth , so no one could blame him , (for not knowing) the exact ammount of emissions. ./ Now in this specific case. ultraex2005 is an old member ... a very lowal , honest and trustworthy member of the Greek oc community. He is very disappointed with this forum post. He could probably make a mistake , in a submission , but never on purpose. When you ... among hundreds of other false detected results (in Android hwbot prime) choose his submission , to make it forum public , claiming that he did this , to get 20GP ... then , that's called targeting. and it's a kind of punishment. Except if , i am wrong. And you open such threads for every result that you are moderating. or it could have been a wrong expression by your side , and it was not your intention to insult him , when talking about points. P.S. We are. Working along side with hwbot to make it better. Dont have a doubt about that.
  3. The application makes a false hardware detection. It does not detect an unknown device , cause it produces a valid file result. Should we punish the end-user , for following the instructions of hwbot prime application and presses the submit button ? or punish him , for not having extend hardware knowledge ? ... Should the owner of a diesel VW Golf , get punished for illegal emmisions during a road block inspection ? ... The proper solution is to fix the application. In the meantime , you can disable points for this specific benchmark.
  4. CPU-Z mostly cause of rules requirements. But i also prefer Aida64 cause it offers more than enough system info.
  5. Well ... i believe you must think this over A Team Captain , makes a comment and says : "Teams should be ashamed , for following the rules"
  6. You could have waited just a bit more , for opening this contest. We delayed the start of this old school , cause of country cup ... and now we are starting it while country cup is still active until Dec 23. ?
  7. There are other minor database problems too. There are scores out of order in some categories which i was looking at , the other day. I havent kept the links though. My bad
  8. I dont think it's a good one. Looks like an average chip. All these 6098P , must be the worst bin (rejected) chips of the i3 cpu waffer. Your cpu , looks a bit better than mine.
  9. Yes , true. I did a small research. Havli used a different GCC compiler in v2.0 benchmark.
  10. Already done that , by TerraRaptor
  11. Monday morning here. Just got in the forum , to see (once again) , that user liqmet is still going strong. This time , i had an other 9 year+ score reported :ws:
  12. Thing is , that we dont need to punish him (short of). He just have to understand how things work , here. By reporting his own results , we are putting more work to the result moderators also. ... and we dont want that.
  13. They can take your Gold ... they can take your Silver ... But they cant take your memories away :celebration:
  14. There must have been. At least since late 90's If i remember correct , the Japanese were using LN2 since slot-1 era. Fredyama probably knows better.
  15. I have to bring this issue up. User liqmet continuously reports old submission , without using at least common sense. There where many other reported subs in the time between ... But This time he reported two 9+ years old submissions , from the bot tag era (the very 1st bot system in forums , if someone remembers ... ) These are 0 points submissions , with dead imageshack links. What can i say ? More work for the mods. Should hwbot staff , perhaps consider disabling the report button of this user ???
  16. It's a good score , nothing special. People with better tweaked ram or with B-die ram , can easily overtake this.
  17. I dont know if Throwback Thursday episodes , have gotten that back in time (i'm talking about early 2004) , but .... :ws::ws::ws:
  18. Congrats to the winning team and to all participants. Many , many thanks to HWBot staff , for making it happen !!!
  19. The solution to this problem , is to award XTU with more points.
  20. I want the true Overclockers to be back , along with honesty and a trustworthy overclocking spirit. Let me explain. Once upon a time , we were Overclockers What we were doing back then , had an impact in real-life and produced a true result , in our applications (for most people it was gaming). The goal was always , to get a cheap or cheaper hardware and gain the performance of a much pricier one. .- We then became benchmarkers Always trying to find a way , to alter the true result and produce higher numbers. Usually altering software settings or using standalone software to "legally cheat" in a benchmark prog. Why ? ... because the other guy was doing it also.
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