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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. Very-very good result , for air-cooling !!! Solid board (rev1.04) Very good cpu's. Top fsb. Congrats :celebration: What heatsinks are these Mr.Scott ?
  2. I just noticed (havent seen it earlier) , there is a pure 478 stage in an other ongoing competition. So , you can still have fun , with your 478 hardware. Have a look here http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/roadtopro_challenger_season2_division7_round1
  3. Very good cpu , indeed. That's on waterchiller right ? What's the the real cpu voltage and temps ?
  4. Nevertheless ... It would have been a great idea , to have a pure 478 socket competittion and a 479 socket seperately.
  5. The safest voltage for 24/7 usage , is the default one !!! For people that like to o/c their system and take some risk , up to 1.35 aircooled and 1.45 AIO is considered safe.
  6. My question is simple. Are the results of version 2.2 (old) and 2.43 (new) in line with each other ??? Should they be mixed in the same category (regardless of beeing awarded with points or not) ???
  7. No it's not a problem of cpuz version. It is a known error of that bios , since it came out. I thought you knew it.
  8. To be honest , i kind of agree with you. (i dont agree with the "ruined" word). It would have been more proper ? (i dont know if this is the correct word) To have a clear stage for the socket 478 cpu's. ... and have an other stage for the 479's Mixing those two to compete against ... is a no go.
  9. Showing the lads the proper way to pour LN2 Look at the angle on his wrist ... together with the smile !!! :ws: P.S. Get ready Rumors say he's coming back this summer.
  10. You used the wrong wallpaper in both your results.This is round-3. http://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/Competitions/1376-1380_OldSchoolBestSchool2016/Backgrounds/OSiBS%20S2%20Wallpaper%20R3.jpg
  11. You made it look sooo simple PM incoming about something in the cpu database.
  12. For competitions , we usually follow the charts of the hwbot database. In my opinion , the allowed hardware is the following http://hwbot.org/hardware/processors#key=s479 Socket M & socket P , have their own categories
  13. Oh ,ok Yes i just saw that macsbeach98 , already reported my score. Let's pass it to Christian then , and let him decide about it.
  14. Oups I uploaded a wrong screenshot , with my latest result on 3dmark 2000 stage. Since i cannot edit the result anymore , can a moderator please fix it ? Many thanks
  15. Take off your waterblock and check the cpu contact. If the cpu heatspreader footprint looks ok , then take of the cpu and check the general condition of the socket pins. If everything looks ok , put everything back and make sure you dont tighten your waterblock too much. Test again your o/c
  16. Might be the price ? Just saying ... Yesterdays example , with cpu + waterblocks http://www.ebay.de/itm/151983340976?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  17. Aaahhh Recycling companies are responsible for the loss of many great boards of the past. The actual history of computing getting vanished ? Cant blame them though.
  18. [joking mode on] At this point , i believe it's the perfect time to say , that XTU has given a lot to the overclocking community ... and it should be awarded with even more points , here at Hwbot. More points to XTU !!! Hip-hip Hurray ... [/joking mode on]
  19. I want to ask , if i can use a Quadro2 (which is also NV15) for the stage of 3dmark2000. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocards#key=quadro2_pro Can i ?
  20. Bios chip flashes ok , with F3 official. So it's working.
  21. Maybe it's my board , that acts strange. I tried multiple times to flash to a newer bios bersion and everytime i did , the board was not booting afterwards. I found the latest beta on a webarchive page. I can give it to you , if you want it.
  22. I suspect , that he is reporting results in general , not showing any kind of favoring ? I will be patient , then.
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