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HWBOT Rev.4 - The Plan.


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Lets drag out the dirty laundy and get this over with.


The Post to the public.......chew* is bad, chew* is evil.........it was a joke.



Granted, rick's little joke pm to you suggesting you join the winning team didn't help relations between xs and oca but for you to go crying to Fugger about it like a little girl was uncalled for. Rick took his ban from xs for it and we had a good long discussion about the shit talking and pm's.


The reality.




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ouch where I come from private messages are private.... lame

Still doesnt mean rick was joking even if kal didnt know about it


Yah sorry man it's a shame I have to resort to this but then again it's a good majority of one team ( you have been decent ) gangbanging one guy, time to set the record straight and put an end to the twisted stories the public is hearing.


There are 2 sides to every story and then theres what really happend......now the public can compare the 2 and see which is sticking closer to the truth.


BTW numerous PM's went out like this on XS that day.

Edited by chew*
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Yah sorry man it's a shame I have to resort to this but then again it's a good majority of one team ( you have been decent ) gangbanging one guy, time to set the record straight and put an end to the twisted stories the public is hearing.


There are 2 sides to every story and then theres what really happend......now the public can compare the 2 and see which is sticking closer to the truth.


BTW numerous PM's went out like this on XS that day.


We thought it was pretty hysterical. I love my political reply too, too bad it didn't prevent you from your rigorous assault on OCA. Your lame attempt at blackballing OCA failed miserably. In the end, the only mind you managed twist was Fugger's.


Is there another direction you'd like to go or are you still grasping at straws on the hardware sharing thing? Take your time, maybe a day or so to think up something clever to ninja edit/ add to your posts that will disguise your fail filled attempt at yet another OCA character assassination attempt.


Whats sad is you'll never stop, you're consumed by the name OCA, it haunts your soul that you'll never get a leg up. You had every chance to save face and not look like a fool but here we are yet again with another foolish Chrolley ride on the Chroll train. I think deep down inside in some twisted fashion, you wish you were on the #1 ranked U.S. Overclocking Team. I guess we should take it as a compliment that you are so obsessed with us. Lemme know when you want a lock of my hair.


What? No admition to calling splave an asshole and lying about knowing who he is? I wouldnt admit that either, if I was spineless. I'd try and re-direct attention away from anything I was proven to be absolutely wrong about.


I 100% guarantee that whomever your little chat screenshot conversation is with, THEY ARE NOT a Team OCA member.

Edited by HawaiiSuperman
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We thought it was pretty hysterical. I love my political reply too


You know the above was not a joke, charles knows it was not a joke, a joke doesn't result in a ban and or a response like in the PM otherwise we would have both said ha ha and called it a day.


BTW your timeline is a fib as well, at the time I was sent the PM you were 2 places below us, anyone can feel free to check the database, so the "so called joke" was not to be on a higher ranking team.


Nor does it end up in recruitments of members from many other existing teams.


Seems your "JOKE" excuse story has been shot full of holes in the truth department.


Your only fooling yourself here. People weren't born yesterday.


credibility going down, keep posting.

Edited by chew*
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People weren't born yesterday.

No, people werent born yesterday, just you. You should probably find a way out of this thread after being embarrassed so badly. Maybe pretend like you feel bad for pissing on it for several pages with your oca fettishes. If this was XS forums you could go back and ninja delete your fail posts.



Edited by HawaiiSuperman
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Im really sick of hearing the words "Fighter", "Warrior", etc etc in overclocking competitions and leagues.

They sound ridiculous and have nothing to do with using a PC or competing in OCing.

Please please please do not call the top league "Ultimate Fighter League" - something more like "Ultimate Overclocker League" is more appropriate


How about :


"The Ultimate T_M trashing league" :D

"The I beat Massman League"

"The I Loved Marc Beier League"


Joke aside, sounds maybe a bit too much influenced by the manufacturers... They love words like that...


Anyone a good suggestion for the league names ?

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- Team League = as it is now

- new PowerTeam League = only best scores count


This way you can see the team thrust in the normal league and the true quality (assuming quality equals higher score) in the PowerTeam League.


Sounds interesting i look forward to the beta.



I also agree with you that compannies get a lot of sales from what we love to do and it is fair that they should stump up some $, but i am worried about it being the only way to fund the site.

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Sounds interesting i look forward to the beta.



I also agree with you that compannies get a lot of sales from what we love to do and it is fair that they should stump up some $, but i am worried about it being the only way to fund the site.


I agree and that sounds acceptable. :)

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How about :


Joke aside, sounds maybe a bit too much influenced by the manufacturers... They love words like that...

yes very much agreed.


having something more along the lines of a premiere OC league and Champions OC League would be more appropriate IMO compared to the current offerings....

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What about "Fighting for Ultimate Pirate Warrior Samurai Ninja Knight Battle League"?




yes very much agreed.


having something more along the lines of a premiere OC league and Champions OC League would be more appropriate IMO compared to the current offerings....


Agreed. Let's make this a classy affair. Need more suits, ties, and women in cocktail dresses.

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We were thinking Champions league and masters league first, but for me that champion word is just so "pink". I don't know where that is coming from, but the song "we are the champions, we are ... " does not help it.


Fighting is aggressive act and that word does not mean, that it is always violent act between some people or peoples. It can mean whatever you like. I fight for love etc.. :)


We also like to make connection to the UFC which is one of the hardest fighting leagues in the world. That is their sport, this is ours.

If some users feel, that playing in the top is not hard, then they just have not tried it.


If it doesn't make sense I am fine with it.

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After finally getting to the end of this thread

Im sorry SF3D, but I think you are completely wrong.

A team is only as strong as its weakest player

Making a only the top players get points for the team is completely opposite to the whole idea of a team

That even if you're not great, you're still helping

By only allowing the top guys to actually get points for their team it greatly discourages guys lower down, and just seems a pointless idea to me :/

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After finally getting to the end of this thread

Im sorry SF3D, but I think you are completely wrong.

A team is only as strong as its weakest player

Making a only the top players get points for the team is completely opposite to the whole idea of a team

That even if you're not great, you're still helping

By only allowing the top guys to actually get points for their team it greatly discourages guys lower down, and just seems a pointless idea to me :/


All the thousands and thousands of dollars I have spent over the past few years just for it to be nothing now. :(

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Sorry George, I disagree with you AND Petri.....


In the context of benching teams, a team is only as strong as the depth and selection of members it has. Nothing to do with the strongest or weakest member.


A bench team that has a member with 5K points wont necessarily be No.1


A bench team that has a member with 0 points wont necessarily be last.

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