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I'm doing the Kabini stage for Belgium. Shaving off minutes of efficiency rendering the 'expensive' Haswell runs not so relevant.


Athlon 5350 = 50€

ASUS AM1I-A = 30€




You and me both, I figured out last year you are only as fast as your slowest sub :)


5350 in hand waiting for board tomorrow and then we battle PJ :D


Game on!



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I'm coming to AM1 too !


Very nice platform to OC, no head-breaker, and cheap ^^


While I've been having a blast playing with am1 the problem is that it's going to come down to ln2 which isn't a problem for me but is for a lot of other people


On another note I've got 2 5350s which both clock exactly the same which is nice as I've got a backup chip

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Same, not sure that extrem cooling will help.

while raising the vcore, i didn't see any temp bump in load.

The main limitor factor is final freq of the cpu i think, as the 5150 can get a 150 fsb easily.


Got a nice improvement too by putting an external VGA and disable 2 cores ^^

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Hehe @ -60c with dice and an external GPU.




I could've got higher but random crashes below -40 and I could post 3250mhz+ plus I had no problem holding -40 with dice so may have or may not have been able to run a similar speed 32m stable just a shame I can't enter the CC with it unless I remove Richland

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Just had my first pots arrive(thanks to the kingpin himself). Now I want to use them.


Need to stay Novice for Stage 3 though, as I'm doing the 270X.


Can I sub for the 270X then go cold for Stage 4 and keep my stage 3 subs?? hahahahaha. :)


as soon as you use extreme cooling , you wil move to extreme devision.

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Why it would be unfair as long as you receive no points from it ?

If you want to try using subzero cooling a couple of times,you should be allowed to post the results,if in here you can't than where else ?

And if you are not planning to stay long on that type of cooling(subzero) why to go to another league ?

Is the same like the fact that some users from extreme oc league have the courtesy to disable points when they bench with Es samples.

It seems fair and respectful.


LE : and vice versa ,if someone from extreme oc league wants to join enthusiast,in my opinion it is enough ,for him ,to disable the points from submissions made on subzero cooling.

It's no point for him in deleting that account,or destroying his legacy by deleting those subs.

Edited by suzuki
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Yeah this was unclear to me too. What happens if someone submits for stage 3 as Enthusiast or lower, but then moves up to Extreme later in the comp? Would that invalidate the sub?


EDIT: I'll revise my fairly stupid question, it's clear that extreme cooling undoes everything as an enthusiast and that should be that, no loopholes. Apologies, guys.

Edited by MrBreeze
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