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The official GIGABYTE H55 miniITX contest thread.


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time to submit my first result,




closing in on youngpro, but still A LOT of tweaking left to be done.

had quite alot of trouble getting the memory to work at cas 6. My dommies 1866C7's just don't seem to like it, and had to push them with 1.96v


more to come :)

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even though I got 6.6, this board has some serious problems

- after I got the 6.6 screenie, I tried 32M stability first (with low mems and qpi) - 233x27 was a crash at loop 15, 230x27 was a crash at loop 19, even 223x27 (6.0ghz) was a crash at loop 20

- 32M efficency with Clarkdale is worse than similar model, H55M-UD2H (32M at 4GHz is about 7 seconds slower)

- there is no SetFSB support for this board, so you have to clock it like a Phenom - boot with desired BCLK/MEM and then change CPU multi via CPU Tweaker

- takes VERY long to POST (22-24 seconds to bootscreen after you save settings in BIOS), makes it very hard to debug

- (same as other H55 board) only 3 subtimings can be adjusted via BIOS on Clarkdale, rest you put "1" or "255" - no difference at all

- Vcore settings closer to the top end do not work properly

- Cannot recover in 1 step (loading profile , F10, Enter) after a BIOS crash

- does not work properly with my OS (install / reboot problems)


SAm that is amazing! crash or no crash. What were the temps? Did you have similar temps as me? higher? get in here man. you run out of juice or the did the wife come home? goddamn it guys. get your crap done so we can all play. massman you too. dino? quit getting high with tim and my rich uncle fess. and wheres my rhode island friend chew? Chew get yer arse in here! lets roll! cmon, lets start some static! cmon! lets roll! :)

Edited by trans am
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How cold can you possibly get on this board? All I did was that 1st resistor (the top one) then I did the regular cpu mod cookiemonster did in the CBB clarksdale thread. I can cold boot at -125 and bench in windows (highest i went was -150c)


how cold can this thing get?

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right now im on the last qpi setting to auto. THis is the highest setting. its booting in but I keep screwing up by shooting too much ln2 in. I did a crazy 1m run for you guys. I'll post it. I tried all night messing with the os tweaks but I dont get the copy waza at all. I reinstalled win on a 60gb vertex2 and took half for the os and the other half for the 2nd partition in windows drive manage. I did the reg mem tweak aand set to 1. I dont know whats going on. I jsut started benching again. raw dog style I kicked my last scores ass by a few seconds. and that 1m run was pretty good. I went 1 up on the qpi but im still around 5.6-5.8 area. just trying to keep things stable at this point.

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Sam pulling out the big guns


nice QPI


what is the point of RAM on LN2 with a clarkdale?


Anyone know what NB frequency field means in CPUz with a clarkdale :confused:


Clarkdale's uncroe is fused. the design of clarkdale Uncore is a logic clock.

IMC controls ddr3 speed and performnace. and clarkdale put it into 45nm GPU die,

from CPU die L3 cache the path to GPU die is QPI bus.


Normally, QPI bus limits DDR bandwidth, in theory, when QPI bus is 6.4GT/s,

DDR3 speed 1333, the DDR3 banwidth will be 21GB/s ( in theory), also DMI bus is tru

QPI. thats why increase QPI bus affects DDR performance a lot. even you don't use

IGP. properly you might say with clarkdale the L3 smart cache path to IMC is the performance that we concern.

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here we go, those mod might help you to get better overclocking score.


Cold bug mod for clarkdale



Vcore offset mod






cookie that bottom pic. I was up to -150 by just shorting the top resistor. do you think I should take down the insulation and do yours? Also the offset vcore mod. is it worth it?

I just dont feel like taking it all apart.

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  • Crew

wow sam that run is just beyond what i thought this platform was even capable of doing


i thought the uncore was the bottleneck on this platform, i must be donig something seriously wrong, with the same uncore i am in the 40.x range at 7-8-7 1175 and i am slightly quicker with 9xx 6-6-5


nice run there

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awww crap. I got all excited when I saw dino was gonna start benching so after spending the last week getting the os straight I put the itx back in. (note I didnt change anything since I had it on last, container was still on. all i did was take the mem out and unplug all the headers and the vga card and set it aside. so I just plugged it all in and no post, no fans. no power to the board at all. I just took it all off and looked at the cpu top and bottom look perfect. pins and socket look perfect. so no burns here. I took all the eraser off and the bottom insulation. wiped it clean and just put the stock hs on and same crap. no power..nothing.

took all the ram out and vga. made sure slots are clear of any crap that might be shorting it out. its clean. gonna try a new psu and swap cpus. any other ideas please post. I just had the i3540 and h55m-ud2h on this same psu and it was fine. brb.



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here we go, those mod might help you to get better overclocking score.


Cold bug mod for clarkdale



Vcore offset mod







Can you explain the difference or the benefits of the CBB mod you posted versus just changing the resistance to 0K on this resistor?



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Can you explain the difference or the benefits of the CBB mod you posted versus just changing the resistance to 0K on this resistor?




I 2nd that question also I'd like to tell you guys I think the itx board is dead. It wont post / power on at all. I swapped cpus but i3 540 is same thing. Its definitely not the psu. I noticed the cb i drew on the 655k was starting to wear off. Should I wipe it all off including the resistor on the board and see if thats the problem? I tried the 655k in my h55m-ud2h and it will spin on and then shut off and loop. no post. tried 1 stick and same crap. Im praying to the ocing gods I didnt kill that 655k and the mitx. I'm gonna wipe the 655k off completely clear of ink and try it again in the h55m-ud2h. If it posts then my next step is wiping the mitx board clear of mods. the only thing I did on the mitx board was short the top resistor with ink. if its not that then the board is cashed and I'm out of the contest. I have no more money this month to buy another one.


I'd appreciate it if all of you could take a moment of silence and say a silent prayer to the Mighty Gods of Overclocking on this beautiful August night.




Let us pray:


"Dear mighty Overclocking Gods, We thank you for creating this contest for us. It has brought us all together despite our differences, location, ethnicity, overclocking level of experience, etc. etc. We have all come together in the name of overclocking during these turbulent times to overclock to the best of our ability in the name of Massman. We honor your faithful disciples at gigabyte technology. (bless them for creating this motherboard) But today a dark shadow has been cast upon one of our fellow brothers, Trans Am. he is need of your hardware healing powers tonight. Please lead him through his hardware woes and show him the righteous path so we can all be together again in harmony and overclocking spirit.

Please guide our fellow brothers Chew, Cookie Monster, dino, massman, george and everyone else through the hardware darkness and shed your light and let us all stay in harmony with our brave and faithful brother Uncle Sam (sam ocx). He has made us all proud and we rejoice in his overclock....in the name of the hardware

....the software

....and the holy clocks



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I can tell you guys haven't prayed yet cause it midnight and neither the board or cpu works still. I swapped again and again and both are dead. I wish all of you the best in this contest. Unless there is a miracle and a board shows up on my doorstep I'm out of the contest.

I had fun while it lasted. :(

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