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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. It's obviously a database issue and most likely inherited from the forum migration. It's also possible that it's not an easy fix and last I heard everyone who keeps the bot going is doing it for free (correct me if I'm wrong - I don't know but it seems that way). So there are two options. You can wait until someone who can fix it donates their time for free... or... you can fix it. Kind Regards, Marco PS: It might help to actually report this in the correct place: https://github.com/COLARDYNIT/hwbot-issues
  2. Riiiiiight. I'm always sitting out of comps that make me work. LOL - come on Leeghoofd - it's perfectly normal to want the easier path and usually one does not even know which path that may be unless they've gone down the more tedious one. I will take part in round 2 with the same energy I've put into every competition since joining the bot.
  3. I am horrified at the prospect of air cooling only RE: GPUs. This is supposed to be fun and that requirement suddenly makes it a whole lot of work - I speak only for myself. You know, the 2080 Ti RTX is an incredibly boring card at stock cooling. "Yay, look - we all get to score the same how fun! Oh wait, kimandsally pulled ahead by 1 mark... wait - hold on to your hats everyone - jab33 just went ahead by 1, too!"
  4. I hadn't seen one without so good to know ? Thanks, BZ.
  5. For the record, I never saw this in Firefox... I am using the latest version.
  6. I'm trying to understand how CPU-Z could be reporting a higher clock rate than what hwmonitor pro has for a max of 5400? Doesn't that suggest you opened up HWmonitor Pro AFTER rather than during the benchmark run? My understanding is that for the Road to Pro comps we have to be running either hwmonitor or hwinfo during the bench attempt and not after... Correct me if I'm wrong please ? Great score by the way...
  7. Excuse my ignorance but doesn't Thaiphoon Burner identify which PCB revision the vendor used?
  8. I think out of all the options that's the one I'd go for if it was me. Of course, if you can access the SPI header on the board and have an interface to flash from then nothing should stop you from at least trying a straight flash from the z390 board since you don't need to worry about borking things up and can easily flash back the original. Whatever the case may be - when you are finally successful and push out a few scores it's always the ones which required cool modifications like these that feel oh so good. ?
  9. Ya, well, I'll definitely be switching since I need the same luck as everyone else who miraculously all hit 5403 on the button. ;-)
  10. hwinfo uses decimal points for cpu speed and hw monitor doesn't. So one screenshot from hwinfo might report 5403.9 and hw monitor will report 5403. Is 5403.9 over the limit?
  11. Well, Havli - that did it! I downloaded the 32 bit installer from the link you provided and simply replaced the java directory with the new files and ran a 4k benchmark, hit the save results button and it opened up the dialog window, let me choose my location and voila. ? Really appreciate you taking the time to support this issue considering you don't get paid AND it wasn't really affecting many people. I went to http://hw-museum.cz but couldn't find a donation/buy beer/send hookers link anywhere - please advise!
  12. Hi Havli, Yes, I did download a fresh copy yesterday but that didn't help. I agree with you - it must be related to something either being broken with my Windows 10 or I've got it configured (maybe something as simple as an environment variable that has a custom setting (ie. my temp file is on another drive rather than on the OS drive). Let me look at the log file again but that was the first place I went when I experienced this. I wish there was an "strace" like we have in Linux but I'll keep troubleshooting and let you know. Just to be clear, all the java related stuff is completely self-contained, right? No external environment variables should cause any issues or having the 64 bit and 32 bit versions installed at the same time, right? EDIT: I ran it with compatibility settings "Windows 8" and it still just quit when I tried to save the results BUT this time there was log with the stack trace in it - I've attached it for your viewing pleasure ? hs_err_pid788.log
  13. Like, Mat - I understood the issue to be two different things but wouldn't care if I couldn't save the file if I can submit it online. Obviously the issue with saving the file is more complex since not many people are having a problem and I fall into the category that does. Anyways, like I said - I'll keep trying to figure out the issue and cross my fingers that the submission via web might get fixed. I'm sure once the web server logs are referenced it'll be fairly obvious what the issue is.
  14. https://github.com/COLARDYNIT/hwbot-issues/issues/25
  15. Just read Mat's response - so that is fairly good news since it seems like an easy fix on the server side, right? Has an issue been created on github? If not I'll create one now.
  16. Ok, I will try and figure it out...
  17. Leeghoofd, Not sure if I'm just totally missing a piece of the puzzle here but when you say "save the result file" - I mean - that's the original problem. It crashes instead of saves it. Then I tried submitting through the web and had the same problem. I took the screenshot simply because that's all I can do. Please advise?
  18. No turning back now! Now I just need to get either a bigger dewar (current one is 10L) or another one because just when I think I'm starting to get things figured out I run out of gas! Those things aren't cheap but feel free to point in the right direction - like - is there a website that sells pre-owned/second hand/used or is Ebay my best bet?
  19. So I tried to submit via the web and although it doesn't crash it doesn't actually do anything. No browser opens up, no dialogue box that says "successful submission" or "failed submission" or anything like that. I'm trying really hard to submit the following (see attachment) and am curious about what happens if I can't solve this problem? Will a screenshot be allowed or is a .dat file absolutely necessary?
  20. Not sure what you mean - are you saying I should try and submit directly to hwbot vs try and save the data file? Sorry if I'm being dense ... ?
  21. Three things I've realized so far is: 1) the size of the pot should be considered seriously because the smaller it is the less time you have between pouring the LN2 and when you are a noob like me you are doing everything slower because of lack of practice/experience (which by the way, I suddenly have a new respect for those who do CPU and GPU at the same time and a super crazy amount of respect for those doing stuff like quad-sli!) and 2) there is such a thing as too cold when you're a noob and all sorts of things need to be tweaked the colder you go. and 3) As you've said - it's fun as hell! ?
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