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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Super nice bro, should’ve been this score on our first ln2 session together :)).
  2. No new ones, i have this from previous sub with 990x and Stt.
  3. Trying to beat this, but difficults af.
  4. Didn’t know this exists :D. Looks awesome and i guess it shaves some degrees from that nb.
  5. This is a great sub, but no new cpuz and no mem details...
  6. I mean like an only time achievment. Like when a new platform releases to be a race first to 7 ghz ddr6. Only one can get it, etc.
  7. Make achievments happen. First to hit 9 ghz, first to hit 5 ghz on mems etc Like feats of strenght on the profile. Better than you made 100 subs with g.skill, buhuu.
  8. I will be using this in 4-5 yrs. You got my upvote
  9. I don’t believe it’s water as he has similar subs marked with ln2. I think this guy is trolling. LE: It’s the other guy, my bad: https://hwbot.org/submission/4318542_gbp_superpi___32m_core_i9_9900ks_5min_7sec_933ms has the other subs with ln2 at lower freq, but some are marked on water.
  10. Can anyone share a bios with incorporated microcode for this cpu? I have Asus Zenith Extreme Alpha and x399 Aorus Extreme. For either of this 2 if you have a working stable bios. Many thanks !
  11. What temperatures were on load with this pot ?
  12. Another BE in town, need to keep an eye out for this :D . Great score !
  13. Interested in all if the deal above fails.
  14. Ddr2 sticks are confirmed dead, had this ask over few emails. Sorry for the delay. Will update the topic soon, adding few more stuff i don’t longer need.
  15. Many thanks! Really happy with this score. I will see in the future if i have occasion to bench it under ln2/cascade.
  16. Really good run and cpu, congrats!
  17. Can be closed, thank you.
  18. Super run and the best score on dice/ss. Need to rebench
  19. You have pm :).
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