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The Official Country Cup 2018 thread


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Not that the spreadsheet would do much good, there's so many open ended stages rn. Like obviously there are certain igp that you need for icestorm extreme but there's so many gpus that could work for the other scores for that stage. And amd 32m is another one where you have to consider several factors when picking chips. R15/core is always a matter of hard to tell what all the best chips are, etc

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16 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

Hardware spec list is not final, though there will be no speciific requirement for processor family or such as with TC2018. If we would allow server hardware I would add limitation to 32X cores max, but only single CPU.

Z170/270/370 is all the same LGA1151 socket in my book Daryl

I would hope that we allow xeons at least for the single core stage so people will at least have a chance at globals when they bench it. 

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5 hours ago, suzuki said:

what other cpu’s should be good in this category if mighty L3014 is eliminated ?

Tons of cpus, P4, G470, a few core based mobile celerons, even semprons. Just look at the global ranking and see what occupies everything below top 10.

Now that l3014 is allowed I will have to decide if I try my l3014 for globals or if I run my G470 that is likely the best in the US (I'm at the point of binning boards not cpus ;) )

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2 hours ago, Noxinite said:

Link? I've only seen them from other OCers.

That’s how i got mine also ,but most of them have it from ebay. There is also some xeon shop which has them listed in ~150€ area ,if you need link.

Anyway , @Luumi has the best one ,make a good offer to this good man :) .

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36 minutes ago, suzuki said:

That’s how i got mine also ,but most of them have it from ebay. There is also some xeon shop which has them listed in ~150€ area ,if you need link.

Anyway , @Luumi has the best one ,make a good offer to this good man :) .

They are quite rare. Feel free to PM me when you see one again in 2020 ;)

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I think the singlecore stage will be very exciting... especially when you get to the point of having a great score and then you flip the coin whether you get the data file saved, or appcrash. :P I have a feeling there will be a lot of smashed keyboards. :D 

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Are we gonna have a three way standoff between team USA, UK, and AU this year for some of the stages?

I sure hope so, that would make CC so interesting and entertaining. I know there was plenty of friendly shit talking in the r/oc discord last year between USA, AU, UK, and DE, so I'm sure this year will be equally entertaining.

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If it's a dual GPU card and it was retail yes...


For Vega FE edition , this was focussed as being a workstation card , I rather keep it to max Vega 64 edition and below, maybe one Vega, one Polaris and such on...

Edited by Leeghoofd
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15 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

Next year we will call it Clash of the Ego's 2019...

Sounds like a good name for a competition running january-march with the same stages as team cup but 1 sub per stage rather than 3


More seriously - where does the Fiji-based Radeon Pro Duo sit for the dual-GPU stage?  It was released with a choice between gaming and workstation drivers and certainly was sold at retail but I'm not sure about global availability - IMO it's the same kind of rare half-retail as the Titan Z.  There was also a Polaris-based pro duo which I'd argue is a pure workstation card.

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