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The REV4 public test server! (feedback welcome)


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A bit later than planned, but here it is: http://uat.hwbot.org/


Some important notes.


First, as you can see at the bottom of the site, we are still running a beta version of the R4 code (HWBOT v4.0.0-SNAPSHOT build 3115). In practical terms, it means that this public test server is to show you the concept of revision 4 (layout, etc) and the final hwboint algoritms. Some pages are still in development and some are finished but not added to this build.


Secondly, the rankings. The algoritms you see on the test server are final. The rankings are not entirely up-to-date since we're not running a live version of the database, but a full backup of a couple of days ago. This means that submitting a result will have no effect.


Important! Do not submit any benchmark results on our test server. These will not be added to the result database and will be lost once we install a new build on the server.


The rankings:

- Pro OC = ∑ [top-15 (global + wr)]

- OC = ∑ [top-15 (global +wr) + top-20 (hardware)]

- Enthusiast = ∑ [top-15 (global) + top-20 (hardware)] (only results on stock, air or water and with picture of system)


- Teams league = ∑ {powerteam (global + hardware) + [user points (global + hardware) / 10}


As for: the Overclockers League: the new algoritm has no hw cap. Instead of using a hardware cap, we've limited the hardware points contribution to your personal total to SUM(top-20 hw results). So, the maximum hw points you can reach is 20x50=1000p. But, to reach that, you'll have to be 1st in 20 highly competitive rankings!


To check the powerteam ranking, just click on 'best of team' in each ranking. The results will then be filtered on unique team (instead of user).




The point distribution of the powerteam rankings is not yet clearly visible in this version of the test server. The algoritm used to calculate the team powerpoints is the same like we use to calculate user points, but with different constants and offset points.


As said, the weight between powerteam and user points is 10/1, but in absolute figures they are pretty much balanced at the moment. Some teams have big user contribution, but lower powerteam and other teams the other way around. Grinding will still help, but for each individual 10x slower than it does now. Fyi, what K404 did a few days ago (massive amount of top-5 results) is pretty much golden for revision 4 as those rankings are highly competitive powerteam rankings.


As for the different user rankings: if you want to see the effect of switching from one league to another, you can choose the ranking you want to participate in from your user profile settings: http://uat.hwbot.org/profile/.


As for those who wonder about the Pro OC League, here's a short explanation I gave to *censored* a few days ago. It pretty much sums up what it's all about.

The easiest question to answer: "Would my benching on the bot help my team at all?". Yes. Always. Even if you're ranked, as an individual, in the Pro OC league your points will still contribute to the team total. The split in R4.0 is the basic outlining of how we vision pro and amateur overclocking to evolve into. For further revisions we have some ideas to differentiate in a more, ehm, elegant manner, but whether or not we can actually implement those ideas directly or if they need more finetuning is something we have to decide based on the feedback we get.


One 'problem' now is that Pro OC scores technically still affect amateur rankings. An elegant solution is to completely separate those either basing the Pro ranking on the same weight variables as the amateur rankings or on a fixed distribution (like 3DWR points now). And of course how that would affect the team contribution etc.


The second question is perhaps more important, but harder to clearly define. Currently, there is no clear outlining on who's considered pro and who isn't. Or even who should go into that separate league and who shouldn't. Currently, I'm moving those people who work almost exclusively with sponsored hardware and only for pure marketing-related overclocking to that league as that's what it was designed for. This is for instance KP, Hicookie or Elmor. I think for the first couple of weeks we'll see who wants to join and how the flow works exactly (many or little overclockers making the jump, etc ...). Except for the group mentioned earlier, we don't intend to force people in either league.


When proposing this for the first time to vendors, we also got the question what to do with review samples. That is quite simple: we have no interest in either tracking all review samples or vetoing against sending a specific person specific hardware. What we asked vendors is to honor the Pro OC league by focussing the marketing-overclocking events (eg: sending super-binned hardware) as much as possible in that league and leave the hobbyist rankings as they are. We also explicitly said that there's no problem with sending anyone a mainboard or a vga card. In your particular situation, this all boils down to: we do not have the slightest problem with you getting any samples or you choosing for the normal oc'er ranking. If you feel Pro and want to join, okay. If you feel Pro is a bit out of your reach at the moment, feel free to compete at the top of the non-pro ranking.


From the sneak peeks of the rankings, I can say that getting into the top-20 of the Overclockers League is not 'much easier' with all the top dogs gone


As a last not, I'm currently fiddling with the points for the different applications. Rev4 allows us to give benchmarks either no points, hardware+global points or either hardware or global points. A few minutes ago, we gave 5 benchmarks 'hardware points' (eg: PCmark vantage and 3dm11 performance) and I also removed global points from CPU-Z validation (hw points only). The engine needs to do a recalculation first, so i don't think the effect is already noticeable.


Anyways, have fun and let us know your feedback! We'll keep you updated when installing new builds!

Edited by Massman
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WTF, no global points for CPUZ ?


At first look it looks weird :D

But definitely there is a lot of good thought


Hardware Library FTW


Enthusiast League means no any results with subzero ? (if I delete my few results under LN2, I will be ranked 1rst :D)

Edited by Christian Ney
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You guys are slamming the server already! :P


Enthusiast League means no any results with subzero ? (if I delete my few results under LN2, I will be ranked 1rst :D)


Enthusiast league = air/water only + requirement that the submission needs a picture of the setup.


Deleting LN2 results will definitly raise your ranking in the enthusiast league.


No globals for cpu-z???

And it's not working for me, getting nothing, server getting hammered?


Just testing the effect.


Not giving global results to CPU-Z makes sense, though. Comparing frequency has only value if you compare it to similar hardware. 7000MHz with Gulftown is much more impressive than 7000MHz with Cedar Mill.


Are hardware points for the team ranking really limited to 300pts.?


No, that's a typo.


Team points = SUM(powerpoints) + [sUM(user points) / 10]


with user points = SUM(all user points) (global, hardware, wr)

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Just testing the effect.


Not giving global results to CPU-Z makes sense, though. Comparing frequency has only value if you compare it to similar hardware. 7000MHz with Gulftown is much more impressive than 7000MHz with Cedar Mill.





Why not have globals for different architectures or platforms then? Even do what you've done with 3d and have WR points for highest overall.

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No, that's a typo.


Team points = SUM(powerpoints) + [sUM(user points) / 10]


with user points = SUM(all user points) (global, hardware, wr)


Ok, I was just wondering because my team dropped from #19 - 14k points to #29 - 1k points :rolleyes:

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Deleting LN2 results will definitly raise your ranking in the enthusiast league.


Ok then I will remove my only 2 results under LN2 as there is no more global points for CPUZ. And remember I am the Air Cooled guy :P



Not giving global results to CPU-Z makes sense, though. Comparing frequency has only value if you compare it to similar hardware. 7000MHz with Gulftown is much more impressive than 7000MHz with Cedar Mill.


Well we can say the same for any other benchmarks, 130K 3DM01 with GTX 275 is not as imprssive as 130K 3DM01 with Riva TNT2 M64

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Ok, I was just wondering because my team dropped from #19 - 14k points to #29 - 1k points :rolleyes:


Yeah, I looked into your team as it surprised me too. I think the reason why you guys dropped so much is because you're mainly using the same hardware. Using identical hardware was very beneficial in R3, but not anymore in R4.


//edit: actually, what you can see is the hardware sharing prevention kicking in. The more a team drops, the more this team would be prone to sharing accusations because the members use a pretty similar set of hardware.

Edited by Massman
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For me it works for some minutes, now the bad gateway errors dominate. :P


My first impression for rev4.0 is good (apart the fact my points has decreased, but there is no problem with this as my team up some positions in ranking :D), hardware library is amazing and interface looks nice...btw need more time exploring this to draw more conclusions.

Edited by NoMS
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Ignoring any algorithm stuff and commenting on feedback.....



Individual user page:


Team doesn't need to be listed for every result... of course one user is in one team. I'm guessing its a table template, I know why it looks like that, but can the template be tweaked for the individual user page?


Points : WR, Global, HW... please can each be spaced out? At the mo, it's 10.5+10.8+10.2



If top 15 global scores affect user ranking, could be table be set to display the top 15 results instead of the top 10?




Worldwide ranking: xx of xxxxx.... this needs to have a mention of the league.




Yea, this is small, anal stuff..... but from a very quick 1st look, it's what i'm thinking.



Do I like R4? Tell you in 6 months if my rankings hold up :P

Edited by K404
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Yeah, I looked into your team as it surprised me too. I think the reason why you guys dropped so much is because you're mainly using the same hardware. Using identical hardware was very beneficial in R3, but not anymore in R4.


//edit: actually, what you can see is the hardware sharing prevention kicking in. The more a team drops, the more this team would be prone to sharing accusations because the members use a pretty similar set of hardware.


Yes thats true but just counts for hardware points, I mean you can also share a GTX580 f.e. to get global points.

My team has just a few active members but most were simply buying the hardware with which you got many hw points with Rev.3 - so that's often identically.

Plus we don't have many global points, now we need to get some.

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Yes thats true but just counts for hardware points, I mean you can also share a GTX580 f.e. to get global points.

My team has just a few active members but most were simply buying the hardware with which you got many hw points with Rev.3 - so that's often identically.

Plus we don't have many global points, now we need to get some.


Powerteam is both global and hardware.

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Bugs and other stuff worth mentioning I've seen for now:

- When country/region filter is applied the filter is only enabled as long as you don't click through the rankings. If you click "Show previos/next 20" the filter is disabled and you have to apply it again.

- When you change the league you wan't to compete it's not updated ranking-wise on your personal site (#xxx out of xxx)

- I've no idea where you can see the user ranking limited to your own team - is it e.g. for PCGH http://uat.hwbot.org/rankings/overclocker/team/pc_games_hardware, where I get HTTP Status 404?

- Page "About us/active volunteers" seems to be a bit outdated (e.g. der8auer is missing)

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There's some problem displaying my personal page. It's been truncated before the second 'dot', however it's shown correctly in the addressbar. I guess some problem with query to database. Same reason implies for my hardware library.



No user found by name 'i.nfrar'!

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