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[BUGS] hwbot: Revision 4 up and running!

Christian Ney

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Classicplatforms doesn't show on the team league list when filtered down to USA.

Also, we show as "unknown team" and I can't change anything under the team account to fix it.

And I STILL have submissions hanging that haven't been calculated from yesterday AND today.

I know you're busy, I'm just letting you know.;)

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I hope this is the right thread.


One short question:

if i go there an look onto my 3D03 submissions i see this my best score with 1*4870X2 @117514 points. But thats not my really best score. if than i'll go to view all scores than my submission with 2*4870X2@157455 comes on the screen. Is that normal or a bug?



And two other things.

1.) i've an Asus Board but i have choosen one time an Asrock in a submission. And now every time i take the template and change the name from Asrock to Asus it leaves on Asrock.

2.) If i try to fill in an BCLK (102.4) than it makes after submission automatically an semikolon after the BCLK (102.4,) AND fills also in the value in the graphiccards gpu value.

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10 different teams or 10 submission from different people? because if it is teams



and why gets just the first points and the other get zero points?


will be the "browse hardware" come back. sometime i just want to look an hole familiy of CPUs on one look or look which cpu has the most entries in a benchmark

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