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4670K batchL310B515 Impact 7 bad air cooler slightly above boxed level, delidded by mad german prime-god smilie_happy_011.gif

win 7x64

4,8ghz core 1,25v 4,8ghz cache 1,26v Cinebnech 11,5 and 15

XP 32

5ghz wprime32m 1,24v, Spi32m w. 2800c9 samsung 1,25v

IMC runs psc 2666 tight and boots 2750 8-12-8 at least

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Posted (edited)

Cache is OK, I will make further tests with ruling XT Loki cooler but my Impact is weird, I need more cache voltage for all cpus than on Asrock and Gigabyte, will be hard to get 5ghz stable for 32m


Well, at least with low mem settings and mucho volts I could make it work - 1,325v set in bios, hwinfo shows 1,35 and Bios readout is 1,36 :eek:


Edited by websmile
Depends on the cpu, OS and scaling - my 4690k can do 4,5ghz both cinebenches and xtu 1,09v win7x64 and needs 1,29v for spi32m 5ghz XP


Only tested lowest volts on wprime in xp, will try w7 next and see where it ends up.

How does 1.07v 4.5/4.5 1024M @ air sound?

It depends if it's an Haswell or a DC. If haswell then very good. If DC then good but poor chance of scaling on cold.

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