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Teamau envy is still strong! Buy actually I have considered revealing this tweak. If you reveal aqua sli "tweak" I will share this. Or maybe you are just throwing rocks while sitting in a glass house...
Someone revealed to us what his "tweak" is. James, might as well reveal his "tweak" since everyone is buying the legitimacy of this guy in general......Who wants to see 400K 3D01 with a video proof and all?
Please do, but I can not get a higher score than this at this cpu speed. Even 250k is just impossible, if you can do 400k you have just found another cheat. So you'll just make a fool out of yourselves.
Compared to the delly's score, based on the 2 extra core's and clock speed in this CPU bound bench, RAUF should have gotten a score of around: ((100+(7250-6300)/6300*100)/6*8)*1449488= 22240698 points, not taking into consideration the memory
Im also with George on this. This is one of the most fav benchmark of the old guys and in general a lot of xocer. It has one reason: tweaking. In the past we were facing with some magical boosts like mipmap tweak, d3d overrider for nature. after reveal of these to the community we decided which one is legit and which one claims as a cheat. To be fair and respectful manner I would recommend to do reveal this tweak as well in order to categorize it. However I can understand it must be hard to share something you spent a lot of time to figure out. Also please consider there is no point to rule a benchmark without competitive company =D Long live the 01SE.
  • 3 months later...

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