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[BUGS] hwbot: Revision 4 up and running!

Christian Ney

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I just noticed it, but in my teams wall every day we get the 4000point achievement. but we are a hair below 4900pts.


can you see why? http://www.hwbot.org/team/411_overkill/





We get the same thing. For about the last month. 10,000 points, 3000 cups and medals. Every other day. Also, if I click on either one of them to re-calc I get a blank screen.

Edited by Mr.Scott
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A couple bugs I've noticed...


Memory Type Selection doesn't work in the submission forms. (DDR2, DDR3, Etc)


Still have to use the "recalculate totals" button occasionally to make sure everything is totalled correctly and is all achievements have been granted.


Even using that button, not ALL submissions are recalculated, only part of them.


Hardware Library... I went in and tried to organize all my Hardware so that it was all correct, and I edited the submissions that listed the incorrect hardware, but those items still show up in my Hardware Library. (Under Disks... Vertex 3 Pro when it should have been Vertex 3)


Also under Hardware Library, I show as having 2 submission with a "plain" GeForce GTX 580, when all of my 580 submissions have been made with an Asus Matrix 580, but for some reason it shows 2 entries with just the plain GTX 580.


Search bar on main page is wack... As long as you select something from the drop down all is well, but if you hit enter to use it as a search engine... You get a coding error page.

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Was looking to rerun my Pentium-M 730 and saw that when clicking on the various leaders for the various benchmarks under "Worldrecord (HWP)" they are all not even s479, they are all Pentium-3 1.3 or 1.4 s370:






Something you guys may want to look into & fix when you have the time as it may not be just limited to this one.


Be well...

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