mickulty Posted December 3, 2019 Posted December 3, 2019 On 12/3/2019 at 1:02 PM, Bones said: From personal experience I've ran into some of this myself before, just seems to me alot of the new guys I've spoken with before have an attitude they want to press a button and have instant WR results, it just doesn't work that way. Instead of working for what you get they want it E-Z-P-Z and all of it served up to them on a silver platter..... Then wonder "Why" their results are far short of what the rest of us have been doing. Expand I can't imagine those guys will last in the hobby unless their attitude changes. Advice to newbies: from when I started with a junk P4 system on ambient to more recently with a proper OC board and LN2, I've always had more fun working hard on a single score even if that one score isn't worth much. Cheesing golds on obscure hardware makes for a nice trophy cabinet but isn't satisfying (I would know). 3 LN2 sessions and 4 corrupted OS's for one pifast score is satisfying. Speaking of this the price tag is only higher to get world records and top 3D scores on modern GPUs. Which yes, isn't ideal, and I still think it would be nice if there were more ways to get up there on points by working hard without having to drop so much cash. But you can still compete on some very cheap hardware. To the thread topic, overclocking isn't dying. There are new people getting into it all the time. Some of these people are definitely happy to put the work in. Sure, it's not as big as some of the biggest hobbies in the world like competitive fortnite... but so what? 3
ozzie Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) when i started i didnt even know what copy and paste meant, i started on the internet in 2011, not long, but ive learnt a damn lot, all from the overclocking people and websites, what to do, what not to do, and from a special friend in the 2nd top team in the world right now, im tired of these bullshit gamer blokes like you coming in here opening their big trap when hes stated hes done and finished with it, well if youre done then get out , but for a so called gamers you, you still like to drop in to BOT and see what happening dont you ???, then flap your big trap how ocing is dead you , and its all in the gamer side of things, where do you think all the hardware comes from originally for ocers , their websites dipshit, ??????? then the likes of ebay and amazon came into the scene and people had other avenues to buy hardware much cheaper than manufacturers, i spose now youre gunna try tell us that you dont buy from ebay or amazon or other parties to buy cheap hard ware for your Gaming ???, youre full of SHIT MATE, if you wanna game mate, go game, dont come in here flapping your gums about how its dead, IT ISNT DEAD, dont even try tell me your gaming system isnt overclocked to get better FPS out of it for better game performance, you learnt that thru overclocking and overclocking people and websites on "HOW TO''" , youre a hypocrite, overclocking is dead but you use it on your own system to game better ?...as we saying here in australia mate ....youre full of bullshit...now piss off !!!!!! and i checked your efforts too, you werent too hot in the overclocking scene either, no wonder you went to gaming instead, learnt how to over clock (somewhat) ocd your gaming rig , a (little) then left...too hard for me Edited December 4, 2019 by ozzie 1
ozzie Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 this guy is so good he plays Resident Evil on a souped up pentium 4 maxed out at 2.4 gig and 512 mhz of ram, with a nvidea GT 120 gpu wringing its arse out at 570 mhz and 1440 mhz and thats his overclocking on em ?, and hes gettin 180 FPS , wow what a ripper he is, man the overclocking word -------wants you bad ?
TerraRaptor Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 On 12/4/2019 at 1:57 AM, ozzie said: you werent too hot in the overclocking scene either Expand 11k posts @XS since 2005 :D 1
ozzie Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 On 12/4/2019 at 5:52 AM, TerraRaptor said: 11k posts @XS since 2005 Expand yo think i care terra, ? dont care mate his talikin shit about the oc people, i do not care of bullshit people, if you dont like it then bad luck fo you too , theres truth and theres truth ,,right
TerraRaptor Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 I just don't get the point of being so aggressive to people who have different point of view. He is part of the community. Many people left overclocking because of many reasons (including the concepts like "overclocking is dead", "hwbot sucks" etc) but they are still friends to many of us. Overclocking, hwbot, community - these are quite different things. I don't think "Qui non est nobiscum, adversus nos est" is a good point.
ozzie Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) im not trying to be agressive, , if you read between the lines in his posts hes the one thats being agressive, im tired of all the fools that come in, make fun of or put down what we do but use it for their own gain, youre well experienced enough to now exactly what im talking about terra, as far as im concerned hes trolling, to be once a so called ocer then to go gaming , good luck go do it, then come in here to put down ocers, blah blah blah, promoting his go gaming instead of ocing, , he dont need to come here and spread crap if hes as happy as he says he is.........great for the newbies tthinking of getting in to it Edited December 4, 2019 by ozzie
subaruwrc Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 enough to see so many big names go rage quit. then you get your answer. normal guys with far less possibilities, will lose interest far more quickly.
chew* Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) Ignore him terra, he thinks I actually need to OC a 9900k and that ocing a 5700 reference card is somehow beneficial, actually better results flashing to xt. Neither of which is beneficial as the actual FPS gains are laughable at best and unless I want to raise the temps in my house it pointless. As far as anything problematic is concerned, denial does not solve problems. Acceptance does because after that comes the question how can we solve this. As far as you attempting to insult my skill as an overclocker, carry on bud only making yourself look silly. Edited December 4, 2019 by chew*
Guest Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 On 12/4/2019 at 8:59 AM, subaruwrc said: enough to see so many big names go rage quit. then you get your answer. normal guys with far less possibilities, will lose interest far more quickly. Expand Rage quit yes that is right. ? Previous Hbotty revision so many had invested heavily on parts to do scores. So our dedicated hard cores remain. Cu do's to you guys and gals. Now you have to work seriously hard to remain on the 70% points cliff or your 0.2 with honors On 12/4/2019 at 10:57 AM, Wasmachineman_NL said: Because hwbot does suck. They're stuck in the 2000s. People leaving left and right or not getting in the (X)OC game because it's dominated by the elite. Microsoft forcing WinShit 10 on everything (and it's HPET BS) doesn't help either. Nor does AMD/Intel's insane binning nowadays. If you don't/can't do XOC or overclock obscure HW like this degenerate does , you're basically a normalfag here on hwbot. Any potted plant can overclock a 9900k or Ryzen, only a few people go beyond that and use extreme cooling. Expand ... and it's the future man. What are we to do? What is HWbot to do? We be a little kinder to the newcomer. They just need a start, a lift up to get going OC. Normalfag? LoL We all blow you lots kisses ... mmm big hug. Your referring to the bulk of HWbot that does ambient cooling. They kick ass & they buy hardware also. Alot of hardware & out number LN2 guys by 10 to 1. Fact is many of these ambient overclockers in here have decent skills. Very tough to beat, I know many hours of trying. ____________ Overclocking the 9900KS as you put it? Easy? Perhaps. BUT you will get nowhere real fast till you learn benchmarks, that's patience & effort.
chew* Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) The answer is obvious when it comes to 9900K, they were binned well. They have very little headroom and what headroom they do have 4.8all core ->>5.0 all core average chips comes at the cost of running 100C with high end cooling with little return in fps. If I wanted something to OC I would have bought a 7700K most likely but gaming/fps was numero uno so 9900k it was. Edited December 4, 2019 by chew*
Fasttrack Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 To all - HWBOT is what it is. Thousands of posts written, truths and rumors have ghosted FB and not only. Certainly denial is the wrong path in life. FACTS - TODAY What happened ( good or bad ) has gone by. Returning to the same shit over and over and over again, is at least useless. We have a current status - after a series of revisions. Most of those revisions were plain wrong. People ( like myself ) were trapped with HW worth thousands of $$$, which in one night became useless for the next revision. Two ways to react - 1) Like the hobby and stay 2) Quit for whatever reason, but please do not piss on the rest of us, that still like the hobby. Anything else is bla-bla-bla. Take your pick, and let it be. The more you shuffle shit, the worse it smells. 5 1
chew* Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) On 12/4/2019 at 1:57 AM, ozzie said: and i checked your efforts too, you werent too hot in the overclocking scene either, no wonder you went to gaming instead, learnt how to over clock (somewhat) ocd your gaming rig , a (little) then left...too hard for me Expand You nailed it. That's the extent of my overclocking endeavors. Edited December 4, 2019 by chew* 1
Guest Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) LoL dude just no Edited December 4, 2019 by Guest
yosarianilives Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 I think people are missing the point, for daily OC is pointless, cpus and cards come 95% of the way to max daily at ambient. Hell on newer ryzen cpus most people would actually see a decrease in gaming performance if they tried manually OC. Both NVidia and Radeon cards respond more to simply being cooled better than they do to attempts to OC. However that's not what this thread is about nor is this site really about that, this site is about pushing to the absolute max, where the stability test is can it just pass this bench who gives a toss about 24/7 stability. I think there are plenty of people who want to do that to some degree, many come in by seeing how their daily OC compares, but honestly they catch the bug and try to push to the absolute max or else they lose interest. If we want to preserve or expand the hobby then we need to find a way to make it appeal to more newcomers, plain and simple. Also Chew I think you've been on the site enough to know to not mind ozzie, and I recommend the rest do the same
keeph8n Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 The animosity is insane. OC(XOC) is a community. We here are a community. Stop belittling people and putting others down. People come from all different walks of life and have many different interests. Let them like what they like. I think people should bench what they like. Doesn't matter ELITE or NOVICE/ROOKIE/ETC. If you want to spend the coin and bench with the big boys, come on with it! If you want to stick to ambient cooling, its a large pool so you'll have your work cut out. There is something for everyone in whatever they like. Single Stages and Cascades are easier for some to build/buy/get whatever. They use those vs DICE/LN2. Let them! If you want to points hunt and record chase, you can either step up to the plate and play with the likes of Splave, OGS, Safedisk, Alex, etc OR you can just enjoy the hobby and take whatever points/records you get along the way with the hardware that YOU want to bench. 11
yosarianilives Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 On 12/4/2019 at 1:19 PM, keeph8n said: The animosity is insane. OC(XOC) is a community. We here are a community. Stop belittling people and putting others down. Expand Indeed, not sure how people expect that being a dick will translate to the hobby growing. Of course there is the more sinister possibility that they want OC to be a members only club with basically no allowance for new members. I hope not because history has shown time and time again that mentality benefits exactly zero hobbies. 1
bigblock990 Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 Overclocking always has been, and always will be a niche hobby. I don't understand the point of it being compared to twitch/youtube sub count? Maybe the community was much larger back in the "good ole days", I can't say as I wasn't around 10+ years ago. Anyway if I did my math correctly there has been 2612 participants to hwbot in 2019. Many of these might just be a single sub, but many of them are "active" benchers. Sure thats a tiny number comparing it to a twitch streamer with 60k subs, but again whats the point in that? As long as the hwbot number stays above ZERO overclocking isn't dead 3
Crew Leeghoofd Posted December 4, 2019 Crew Posted December 4, 2019 (edited) A little respect guys is required versus Chew*. Brian was one of the guys that pushed AMD platforms and it's tweaking potential mainly via Xtremesystems Forum. Allowing many to get more oomph out of their AMD setups for daily usage or for LN2. Now if it is mandatory that you do dozen of WRs before you get respected , than I would strongly suggest some of the ego's in this thread to start cranking and show us how it must be done. @Wasmachineman_NL if you don't like HWBot, then just go elsewhere, no need for your constant negativity regarding a free service that others seem to enjoy Everybody does OC in their way, if you want to tweak for the lowest possible voltage or daily stability be my guest. As long as you enjoy hardware, tweaking and if you feel the need to boost performance than this is the place to be, no matter the cooling you use or scores you get. Honestly I don't understand this new attitude at all, maybe I'm getting too old too understand current human behavior, I can only spot that mankind seems to gets more stupid day by day... Edited December 4, 2019 by Leeghoofd 6 3
Fasttrack Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 On 12/4/2019 at 6:32 PM, Leeghoofd said: A little respect guys is required versus Chew*. Brian was one of the guys that pushed AMD platforms and it's tweaking potential mainly via Xtremesystems Forum. Allowing many to get more oomph out of their AMD setups for daily usage or for LN2. Now if it is mandatory that you do dozen of WRs before you get respected , than I would strongly suggest some of the ego's in this thread to start cranking and show us how it must be done. Everybody does OC in their way, if you want to tweak for the lowest possible voltage or daily stability be my guest. As long as you enjoy hardware, tweaking and if you feel the need to boost performance than this is the place to be, no matter the cooling you use or scores you get. Honestly I don't understand this new attitude at all, maybe I'm getting too old too understand current human behavior, I can only spot that mankind seems to gets more stupid day by day... Expand THIS ^^^ 2
Guest Digg_de Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 OC is my Hobby since '99 when a Friend helped me out to build my first Custom PC with a overclocking Board (Abit BX6 Rev2.0). 20 Years now..i am so old...
yosarianilives Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 On 12/4/2019 at 7:23 PM, Digg_de said: OC is my Hobby since '99 when a Friend helped me out to build my first Custom PC with a overclocking Board (Abit BX6 Rev2.0). 20 Years now..i am so old... Expand I think we all fear the day that there are members in the hobby younger than our own experience.
Guest Posted December 4, 2019 Posted December 4, 2019 On 12/4/2019 at 1:19 PM, keeph8n said: If you want to points hunt and record chase, you can either step up to the plate and play with the likes of Splave, OGS, Safedisk, Alex, etc OR you can just enjoy the hobby and take whatever points/records you get along the way with the hardware that YOU want to bench. Expand The best part is encouragement from your team mates when your going well. Ambient OC doing benchmarks is not so easy. Especially here in Australia, I need cool mornings OR the watercooling is maxed out. There is just no way to compete against 6Ghz+ processor scores. I guess sometime in the future, see if a cascade unit can be built here & it's up league for me On 12/2/2019 at 4:05 PM, Digg_de said: ..until you reach the point and think "damn, i have to compete with all that Chiller/Singlestage/Cascade/Dice/LN2 Users". At this point most quit i guess. Expand ... and we think alike here man. But no you cannot compete with that. Too damn fast, blasts your scores to shit every time On 12/4/2019 at 7:23 PM, Digg_de said: OC is my Hobby since '99 when a Friend helped me out to build my first Custom PC with a overclocking Board (Abit BX6 Rev2.0). 20 Years now..i am so old... Expand I still have here iirc the model. Abit BH2 with the orange raid ports? Bought from the USA new. I recapped the entire motherboard with high caliber parts. Has the slot adaptor + a celeron + pin mod OC'd to about 1700+ mhz hehe
chew* Posted December 5, 2019 Posted December 5, 2019 (edited) I think some parties have misunderstood things so let me clear some stuff up. I have nothing against hwbot or overclocking. For personal reasons I long ago changed my actual hwbot account info to something I would not remember while maintaining my forum account so that I could no longer sub scores. I also went into hibernation or whatever you want to call it. I still enjoy ocing and still do it on occasion when I find something that interests me (llano 3d or ryzen 32m pi etc etc ) or is challenging but I post it on forums and it ends there. If you think I sold my guns ( ln2 pots and phase change) think again. I still got my guns I still work on AMD hardware and with AMD but its catered more towards the average joe/avg gamer crowd. Currently its 5700/5700xt/3900x/3700x/3800x/2700x/ a few mainstream mobos and a couple sets of bdie. The purpose of mentioning gamers is simply its an untapped resource. Like I told someone in pm for every gamer with a 9900K 2080TI there are 20 broke mofos on crappy hardware. You figure a way to tap into those gamers and you might see a massive influx of new ocers. Be surprised how many of them don't OC or know how. Edited December 5, 2019 by chew*
Guest Posted December 5, 2019 Posted December 5, 2019 That's a tough one man. Gamer shows interest, you give him his good OC settings & he or she is gone. A one stop shop for a quick fix.
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