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The REV4 public test server! (feedback welcome)


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rofl, go me!


Guess I'll have to play in the OC league for a while :P



Ahh I see it's only globals and WR points. THat explains that.

I like that, it gives the individuals an option to compete exactly as they used to (well sortof, couldn't get globals for wp2x and wp4x before, close enough though).




I think this is going to be a positive change. My change to Pro? Not so much! I'd like to go back, in case you were feeling board. (thanks for switching me over though!)

Edited by Bobnova
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Filter rankings pull down boxes on league page don't work. Do you want to know about these issues, massman, or are you already aware?


Feel free to post as much feedback as you want. I'm currently reading through other forums too and collecting all the feedback.

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Feel free to post as much feedback as you want. I'm currently reading through other forums too and collecting all the feedback.


other forums ? where ?



As promised:

Massy, you are my favourite panda ever love.png


PS: no dirty minds please

Edited by Christian Ney
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Some thoughts about the pro league. I find pro league very reliefing, cause now we well sponsored overclockers have our own place in rankings, so we can not annoy the ones who have to buy everything by themselves.


I will also drop the "bench every possible test every freaking time again and again year after year" style and will focus on some important ones.


That will be huge relief for me personally. The old style of benching have been very very hard and when I have very limited resources, it was sometimes too stressful.

I will not care about the pro oc ranking anymore, cause there is nothing to achieve anymore.


So, I am happy! You should be happy as well :)

Edited by SF3D
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IMHO i'd be happier seeing Unigine DX9 getting no points and i'd love CPU-Z to get global points back :)


3DMark11... not fussed which (one) preset gets points, but I hope it is deemed ready for points at some stage soon :)


RAM and Reference clocks... hardware points is ok :)


+1 totally agree with keny :) , Rev.4 its looking very good.

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R4 not only punishes hardware sharing, but also legitimate similarities.


New and exciting hardware (2500k, 2600k) will have a lot of benchers on a team. Why devalue scores because a team has a lot of them. Large teams will suffer greatly.


Up and coming overclockers will be disillusioned because there scores are not contributing to the team so they will quit.


HWBOT will become stagnate and decline with this new revision.


Most of the positive responses here are from highly experienced elite overclockers. They will become more elite as new entries into team competition will become a thing of the past!

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ctrl + clic doesn't work for:





Fyi, these are the benchmarks that did not have any points before, but which have hardware points enabled on the test server:


- PCMark04

- Reference clock

- Memory clock

- PCMark Vantage

- Heaven DX9

- 3DMark 11 Performance


Just for testing.


Still no hw points enabled -.-


Total Hardware points is missed on our profile, only way to know it is to browse the hardware masters league till our nickname -.-


Would be nice to have in the hardware library just in front of the name of the hardware something like ''results'' (our submissions with the hardware in question), not just the hardware name and when we clic it we just have the global ranking.


Seems I did something with a 8900 GS and I don't have it -.-' want to know which submission I made with.


magic ''recalc best submissions'' button is missed

recalc rank and point button is missed

delete result is missed (afaik it's normal)

report submission is missed

entry modification log button is missed

hardware specs are missed

benchmaks (browse benchmarks)


Graphic Cards specs are missed even the tab. like now

CPU specs are partially missed, there is the tab and core name



ctrl+clic on the hwbot logo doesn't work


the beta server here is still in french even if my account is set to english for the language.


It's written MSI GIGABYTE ADATA, but it lacks GEIL ?

Edited by Christian Ney
''s'' added at submission
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Agree with your list Chris.


Seems to be issues with filters : Hardware Masters League's Filter rankings don't work :/


Btw another filter by team would be nice because I don't see all hw pts even in the personal profile...


Edit: The submissions page area is awefull... scroll, scroll and scroll again :'( It was better by list...


Mandatory field "*" missing in the submission sheats

Edited by Eeky NoX
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R4 not only punishes hardware sharing, but also legitimate similarities.


New and exciting hardware (2500k, 2600k) will have a lot of benchers on a team. Why devalue scores because a team has a lot of them. Large teams will suffer greatly.


Up and coming overclockers will be disillusioned because there scores are not contributing to the team so they will quit.


HWBOT will become stagnate and decline with this new revision.


Most of the positive responses here are from highly experienced elite overclockers. They will become more elite as new entries into team competition will become a thing of the past!


Well, you can always look at it from a different perspective: is it right that a team should be top 10 only because of the number of users, and less because they produce great results?


With the new rev it's important for a team to make sure the members run different stuff, this is very different from what it's like now - but people WILL get used to it. Plus, boints still count 100% for your personal total, that part hasn't been changed.

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New and exciting hardware (2500k, 2600k) will have a lot of benchers on a team. Why devalue scores because a team has a lot of them. Large teams will suffer greatly.


You see it wrong!

1. Smaller teams get a chance finally!

2. Big teams can organize attacks on certain rankings where they have no good scores until now

3. cheap and older hardware get's more attractive, also different hardware - I don't see anything negative in that :confused:


Up and coming overclockers will be disillusioned because there scores are not contributing to the team so they will quit.


Overclocking is not really a "team-sport" imo - back in the early days everyone was doing it for their own fun. Sure you have friends which can help you a lot and it is nice to see the team at a top-spot but personally I bench for myself in the first place to compete one-on-one with others. The team-ranking is just a "side-product" for me.

I don't think anybody will quit just because he can't help the team - that is bs - if you like overclocking, you like it for your own purpose!


Most of the positive responses here are from highly experienced elite overclockers. They will become more elite as new entries into team competition will become a thing of the past!


Well the positive response from these guys comes for another reason: rev4 targets the wishes and long-term motivations of guys that have been doing it for years. It brings (back) a lot things into the rankings why people actually have done overclocking for years - global scores together with reward on breaking top scores in popular hardware-classes. Honestly there was nothing I could agree with you in your post :(

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It depends on what level you're at, we at Team OCF have gained a ton of members in the last six months because we are a team, and because people can overclock like they enjoy doing, and help us dominate at HWBot.

It's a rather different world further down the ranks than it is at the top I think.

We're more of a team then a collection of individuals.

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FYI, although the theoretical balance between powerteam and user contribution to the team total is 10/1, in practice we noticed that it's pretty much 5/5. This means that it's not enough to just have a team with great amount of benchers covering a lot of bases, you'll also need benchers who can hit the high ranks. Both in powerteam global, powerteam hardware, but most certainly also in the user rankings.


Fyi, having a lot of 2600K submissions isn't completely pointless. It's just that every user contribution that is not the best of the team in that specific ranking has 1/10th of the effect that it has today. Keep in mind, however, that the more benchmarks that are applicable for points, the more points you can gather with a single setup. For instance, with the 2600K a user could get hardware points in 7 processor benchmark rankings of R3, but with the recently added benchmarks in R3, that will be 10 benchmarks.


It will become more clear once we can clearly show how scores and users are contributing to the team exacly in practice.

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It depends on what level you're at, we at Team OCF have gained a ton of members in the last six months because we are a team, and because people can overclock like they enjoy doing, and help us dominate at HWBot.

It's a rather different world further down the ranks than it is at the top I think.

We're more of a team then a collection of individuals.


This is only my opinion and I want to be honest: If you see things like that - you have not the right motivation behind overclocking! it is about bringing hardware to it's limit, nailing a first place (global or in a certain hardware class) after days / weeks of work but benching just for the team ranking - I can't understand that.

When I started overclocking 10 years ago there wasn't teams at all and we all had maybe the best times of our life. You seem to take team-ranking WAY TO SERIOUS guys!

Edited by SoF
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Im sorry Mr Scott but it isnt just about a hobby anymore. Its about a competitive sport, the very existance of hwbot makes it so.

Ridiculous. It's far from a sport. Competitive hobby maybe. All I was saying was, when it stops being fun it's time to quit, and not to be so consumed with points that are worth nothing more that to make your e-peen larger or a chance to get some free hardware to bench. Because really, when it comes right down to it, that's all the points are good for.

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