rbuass Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 (edited) I don't know how Hwbot will work... but let's go. Thanks Petri and Michal Edited March 1, 2013 by rbuass Quote
SF3D Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I think our team will be very good in this Xtreme Addict rbuass SF3D Quote
SoF Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 You will be nothing against "Team Grumpier Old Man Not Motivated And Retired" Stummerwinter Angoholic SoF fuzz3l ? Quote
Mad222 Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 Interesting enough, who’s behind all this? Some smart boys from Mars? Massman dun seem to be a dictator to me…no, no, no!! Sorry to see the Pro OC League removed with not much concern for the majority of its’ members Agree to keep the league & add quarterly freestyle comp. as most of the Pro OC members suggested & accepted….and that’s COMMUNITY!! Dun want to get into its’ details as I dun think I will join the new cup anyway Good Luck, HwBot !! Quote
Booj Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 Unless you use ES hardware. Not that my personal issues really make a difference as far as overall HWBot changes go, but I cannot go back to OC-league because I use ES CPUs (and GPUs; though they can't be detected, I won't try and hide that). I see no reason at all to replace them with retail versions just to be able to be ranked in the OC league. I'm not that heavily into competing but still enjoy trying to get what I can out of what I've got to see where the scores fall. Surely others feel the same way and I think that's what pro was getting at - they use ES like I do so our individual ranking will just be....nothing. This is obviously not going to change, so don't consider this a complaint to try and change anything. Just trying to help flesh out the answer to pro's question. EDIT - Also, yes, I know the choice not to purchase retail replacements for ES chips/GPUs is a choice. It's not much of one because I couldn't afford to do it TBH, but it is a choice nonetheless. Doesn't mean I like having to make the choice. ...and so my trip into the Ether begins. Same situation for me.. The cup is of no interest to me at all, and I use ES so i will join you in the ether! Quote
K404 Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 I'm kinda wondering if it would have been a good idea to make a 4th league. Quote
Gunslinger Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 I'm kinda wondering if it would have been a good idea to make a 4th league. As in leave the Pro league alone, and add the Pro Cup format as well? Quote
K404 Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 Give or take a couple tweaks to the requirements of the leagues, yes. Quote
bob(nz) Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 Thank you for calling HWBOT - we value your feedback - please hold........ Quote
rsannino Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 (edited) I read read read and still do not understand. I was asked to go to section PRO OC even if not sponsorized, I did it for my love for overclocking and now I was asked to do something unclear and away from the idea of PRO OC. I'm really undecided about what to do, maybe I find some partners to form a team but that did not correspond to the idea that you have, You could do the same thing, leaving everything as it was before. I'll stay tuned to follow the evolution of the matter. Bye Roberto P.S. Sorry for the bad English. Edited March 3, 2013 by rsannino Quote
knopflerbruce Posted March 3, 2013 Posted March 3, 2013 I read read read and still do not understand. I was asked to go to section PRO OC even if not sponsorized, I did it for my love for overclocking and now I was asked to do something unclear and away from the idea of PRO OC. I'm really undecided about what to do, maybe I find some partners to form a team but that did not correspond to the idea that you have, You could do the same thing, leaving everything as it was before. I'll stay tuned to follow the evolution of the matter. Bye Roberto P.S. Sorry for the bad English. I don't remember your exact case, but I think the pro requirements are stronger now than before. Based on what you say here you're probably free to join the Xtreme league. This is not official, though need someone else to confirm it. Quote
Xtreme Addict Posted March 4, 2013 Posted March 4, 2013 I like the idea of PRO Cup, but of course I would do it in other way. But... So far I see only 2 teams... From guys with whom I was talking... nobody is willing to take part in it. Vendors also seem to be not so excited about it, cause all companies lower they budgets for overclocking and soon many overclockers will be not sponsored anymore or very limited. If things will go this way, that there won't be teams to race, there is no point of this form (from what I see), so if nothing changes, there will not be any team left in PRO Cup. So if society doesn't approve this format and doesn't want to take part, maybe it's time to change it. Because now it seems to be boring even more than PRO League for viewers. Quote
rbuass Posted March 4, 2013 Posted March 4, 2013 I said my opinion... The only way to grow up, is to update benchmarks. 3DMArk01, 03, 05, 06 AM3, Wprime.... blablabla... go to separate (something like "old scholl benchs" or so on). And 3DM11, Catzilla, Fire Strike, Unigine... AND ADD... Crysis, COD, Metro and important gaming benchmarks, will bring lots of newcomers from gaming community. Will be funny to bench Crysis benchmark at 1600 Mhz in the videocard... ane poeple around the world will tell.... OHHHH... Can run Crysis at XXX FPS!!! Quote
knopflerbruce Posted March 4, 2013 Posted March 4, 2013 In theory, not a bad idea to add gaming benchmarks. However, say we add a Blackops II benchmark tomorrow. In less than a year the same people who say "Can run Blackops II at xxx FPS!!" won't care, as the next CoD-game will be out. In the end we'll have too many benchmarks if we want to support all the most popular games out there. Quote
K404 Posted March 4, 2013 Posted March 4, 2013 (edited) Well... what about combining that drawback with the idea of rotating benchmarks? A Game benchmark has (e.g.) 12 months with full points, then when the next big game is released, that takes over and the old benchmark is given less points and with each year, the drop in points continues, to reflect the fact that interest in the benchmark is transient? The (increasingly obsolete) benchmark fades away, instead of being booted out overnight. It doesn't matter about 10-15 people losing points when the bench is replaced.... no-one complains when a new GPU is released and the same thing happens. One thing though: Given the "loyalty" of COD and MOH fans, HWB will ideally need benches for each to keep people happy Edited March 4, 2013 by K404 Quote
Bobnova Posted March 4, 2013 Posted March 4, 2013 Well... what about combining that drawback with the idea of rotating benchmarks? A Game benchmark has (e.g.) 12 months with full points, then when the next big game is released, that takes over and the old benchmark is given less points and with each year, the drop in points continues, to reflect the fact that interest in the benchmark is transient? The (increasingly obsolete) benchmark fades away, instead of being booted out overnight. It doesn't matter about 10-15 people losing points when the bench is replaced.... no-one complains when a new GPU is released and the same thing happens. One thing though: Given the "loyalty" of COD and MOH fans, HWB will ideally need benches for each to keep people happy I was thinking something very similar while driving into town earlier. I think I'd set the fade at ~10% per month.. So first 12 months: 100% points 13th: 90% 14th: 80% etc. 21st: 10% 22nd: 0%, bye bye points. By the 2y mark nobody is likely to care, there aren't that many games (FPS anyway) that make it that long. In any event a rolling This New Game Gives Points For Benchmark Results would probably go a long way towards gathering more interest. Quote
GENiEBEN Posted March 4, 2013 Posted March 4, 2013 So after two years of benching, say 50 GPUS, for god knows how many games, you end up with 0 points. Sounds like a deal, sign me in. Rather than a points system what about NO points (we are gamers, we measure in FPS - when our system can't measure in Crysis`) and rankings based purely on FPS (Highest > Lowest)? Quote
K404 Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 So after two years of benching, say 50 GPUS, for god knows how many games, you end up with 0 points. Sounds like a deal, sign me in. Rather than a points system what about NO points (we are gamers, we measure in FPS - when our system can't measure in Crysis`) and rankings based purely on FPS (Highest > Lowest)? If you bench the latest benchmark with the latest GPU, unless you rebench SEVERAL times, the results will be worth 2-3 points after 2 years....if you're lucky. If you KNOW IN ADVANCE that the result will become meaningless, you know when to stop caring, when to stop spending time and money on the result. Quote
SF3D Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 (edited) I have a suggestion. Let's drop the memory part and cinebench out of the first season. I think most annoying thing in this kind of cup is too many benchmarks. In my life 3 months is just an flash, so I really don't have enough time to prepare and do stuff which is needed. As nothing have happened yet in the league, I have suggestion. Let's make it a bit more simple and more entertaining to watch. I think we could take for example 1-2 benchmarks, have 3 cut off rounds and then final month. First cut off period would be after 1 month and after that only top 20 could take part. After that 1 week and only top 10 would continue and last cut off would leave top 5 for last week. Period would be 2 months and there would be 4 contests in a year . I think no suggestions are listened anymore, but it does not hurt to write down these. I am adviser in HWbot who's advice is not needed Nice! Edited March 5, 2013 by SF3D Quote
Crew TeamAU Posted March 5, 2013 Crew Posted March 5, 2013 I am adviser in HWbot who's advice is not needed Nice! haha thats awesome Quote
Bobnova Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 So how many team(s) join the pro cup so far? Two. Three submissions in total so far. Quote
phil Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 When I saw hwbot moving on with this Pro Cup thing regardless the opinions of many Pro Overclockers I beleaved that there must have been some agreement with companies and sponsored members who would be ready to form teams. Now that the cup has began and there are only two teams formed witch seems they were not planned,this Cup looks a very big mistake. Quote
uncle fester Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Please move team.au to xoc league we have no desire to compete is oc cup. Our pms go unanswered. Move us now. Quote
icebob Posted March 5, 2013 Posted March 5, 2013 Two. Three submissions in total so far. beat my predictions! Quote
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