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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Yes 3D benches you only have to use different GPU's. The whole rest of the platform can be the same one.
  2. Forgot all about that. LOL It was Team Mayhem.
  3. Prisoners don't get to run the prison. It leads to unruled chaos. Thank god for moderation.
  4. They are not. Haven't stripped them yet but I'm betting Micron. They ain't that great.
  5. If it always worked that way, he wouldn't be asking that question.
  6. 890 board is the ticket for Thuban and Deneb.
  7. 1T Feels a little slow. I want to run the FSB higher but if I bump the multi down 1, my board struggles. Not a particularly good board. Struggles to get to 260 even with 2v vmod on the NB.
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