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-> Validated score still wrong? Let us know here

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Ok, I´ve got some results which were already moderated, but still don`t fit 100%.


The first score is from one of my team mates:



He told me the CPU-Z-detection is wrong. Because of the "heavy overlocking" CPU-Z can`t detect the L2 cache properly and the Pentium 266 MHz turns into a Celeron. I`m not an advanced oldschool expert, but I know that oldschool hardware leads to problems with CPU-Z sometimes. Because of the fact that

- he did tell the same for OC-lists at our forum (so it`s about integrity, not hwbot-specific)


- he would even loose 0.1 or 0.2 points in CPU-Z-category

I ask you to move the result into this category: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/Pentium%202%20266Mhz%20(Deschutes)


Now I`ve got some old scores which were moved several times before the right category was created by Turrican (Thx ;) )a few weeks ago.

So I ask you to move these results:

01: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=735565

03: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=735567

05: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=735568

AM3: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=735570

into Radeon X1550 256mb RV515 64 Bit category: http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/Radeon%20X1550%20256mb%20RV%20515%2064%20bit


(My 06 score is already there)


Thank you so much in advance. :)

*cough* *cough*

You know I love the whole Hwbot crew idolatrously. :P

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Hey guys,


I have seen this result in the Top today!




And compared to all the other Score in this range of Time his CPU is minimum 400 MHz to low clocked to get this fest 1024M Score!


Please check this, because I think he uses some illegal tweak? (don't know what but this can't be true)


He probably used the Vista tweak that cuts off 10% of your score:p No idea how it works, but some mod told me it was legal.

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He probably used the Vista tweak that cuts off 10% of your score:p No idea how it works, but some mod told me it was legal.

lol umm no, OC is stand up guy and would never cheat. I will be beating that score this weekend though stay tuned

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The following score has no validation or anything, and has been OK'ed because it's old.




...which is fair enough, but it's perhaps a good idea to add this validation link (grabbed from ripping.org) anyway ;) It's the same score as the one on HWBot.



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How come this one is not valid:




and this one is:




Both show photos of the validation screen;)


To me it looks like the first decision was to not allow this type of screenies, so my score was blocked. Then new rules were applied, which is the reason why that other score was not blocked when I reported it. So please unblock my score:p (or block the other one, if that's the final decision...)

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Please do not report all the scores with the broken validation links, these are old results and we don't need to get a report for every single one of them. hwbot will be fixing this issue for all scores in the DB shortly so sit tight till thats done.


About the results using photos for validation, the first is an archive reult, done long before hwbot had any discussion about it. By default those results are validated. Yours was done in a transition period and is missing elements that are needed for a regular screen capture so you can't just look @ those two from a camera verification only perspective.

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Please do not report all the scores with the broken validation links, these are old results and we don't need to get a report for every single one of them. hwbot will be fixing this issue for all scores in the DB shortly so sit tight till thats done.


About the results using photos for validation, the first is an archive reult, done long before hwbot had any discussion about it. By default those results are validated. Yours was done in a transition period and is missing elements that are needed for a regular screen capture so you can't just look @ those two from a camera verification only perspective.


Massman told me to report every broken one i could find;) I only checked top 5 of K8+K10 (Sempron + Turion still left).

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Do not report them, we are working on a better fix that will save everyone time.


I won't do it, then;) One of the reports were a bit different, though. There was no link in the submission, but I found it on ripping instead (think it was the 2nd placed Opty 146 score), so it needs to be added manually.

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Hi there.

Please move these scores to correct category which is 7300GT DDR3 instead of 7300GT DDR2

The score it's impossible for the clocks used :)

pls look at the other scores


and another one here:


even the description says Galaxy 7300GT DDR3 ;)



Edited by 71proste
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