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The official GIGABYTE H55 miniITX contest thread.


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Arrow through my heart - nice one for a first shot Pieter - I have been trying like crazy to break 9 mins and no success more than 150 runs so far. Here you go on your first run and break my heart. :D:D


LOL damn I really need to learn how to bench 32 mil. :cool:

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I'm sorry 1Day :(


Edit the image out.


Further ram tuning is pointless ... I will switch to single stage for more BCLK.


Hell no you are not - and you should not be. :D:D Go forth and kick some serious butt with your single stage.

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massman keep it up buddy. get that single stage strapped on asap. I want to show you guys some pics of my board and cpu if that okay with everyone. I have a bad habit of leaving the board after a session and going to bed. You've all been there. Its 6am..you can barely reset the cmos jumper on the board let alone set your clocks. You've more than a few beers, You started benching 8 hrs ago and you are completely spent. You just cant wait to get in the bed. So you take as much off the board as you can without breaking or dropping something.


my usual routine is:

unplug the atx, 12v headers, ram, sata and vga card and leave the board sitting there with the cpu container still cranked to hell and its frozen stiff. "oh thats cool...I'll just let it do its thing...it'll evaporate...

... this has been my bench routine since I got a container. It finally caught up with me and it cost me a 655k and my board for the contest. The only other thing I can think of was before I turned it on, I had a hairdryer plugged into a powerstrip that was heating up insulation on another board and the hairdryer caused a surge and it shut off the powerstrip the psu was plugged into that was connected to the mitx board but the psu still works and the ram still does. so I seriously doubt that was it. after looking at the pics I think its pretty obvious. on the backside of the board images I posted, look at all the white spots on the atx area and the dimm slots. its all oxidized to hell.


..Even after 2 coats of this crap. http://www.hmcelectronics.com/cgi-bin/scripts/product/1530-0098/Chemtronics-CTAR12


(dont buy it) it leaves a cloudy white film on the pcb and it doesnt provide much protection and unreliable. I dont know why i bought it but I wanted to try something new. Its crap!


the one that always worked was this one:



anyway, back to the problem.








Is there anyway to fix the board or apply something that will clean if off? kind of like putting your old rusted skateboard bearings in gasoline and soaking them overnight? I have a little ln2 left so I'm gonna mount the h55m ud2h with a i3 540 and see if I can get some better pi runs than I previously submitted. I'm so tempted to get on the egg and order a replacement. I still have a 660 that still works.

Edited by trans am
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I 2nd that question also I'd like to tell you guys I think the itx board is dead. It wont post / power on at all. I swapped cpus but i3 540 is same thing. Its definitely not the psu. I noticed the cb i drew on the 655k was starting to wear off. Should I wipe it all off including the resistor on the board and see if thats the problem? I tried the 655k in my h55m-ud2h and it will spin on and then shut off and loop. no post. tried 1 stick and same crap. Im praying to the ocing gods I didnt kill that 655k and the mitx. I'm gonna wipe the 655k off completely clear of ink and try it again in the h55m-ud2h. If it posts then my next step is wiping the mitx board clear of mods. the only thing I did on the mitx board was short the top resistor with ink. if its not that then the board is cashed and I'm out of the contest. I have no more money this month to buy another one.


I'd appreciate it if all of you could take a moment of silence and say a silent prayer to the Mighty Gods of Overclocking on this beautiful August night.




Let us pray:


"Dear mighty Overclocking Gods, We thank you for creating this contest for us. It has brought us all together despite our differences, location, ethnicity, overclocking level of experience, etc. etc. We have all come together in the name of overclocking during these turbulent times to overclock to the best of our ability in the name of Massman. We honor your faithful disciples at gigabyte technology. (bless them for creating this motherboard) But today a dark shadow has been cast upon one of our fellow brothers, Trans Am. he is need of your hardware healing powers tonight. Please lead him through his hardware woes and show him the righteous path so we can all be together again in harmony and overclocking spirit.

Please guide our fellow brothers Chew, Cookie Monster, dino, massman, george and everyone else through the hardware darkness and shed your light and let us all stay in harmony with our brave and faithful brother Uncle Sam (sam ocx). He has made us all proud and we rejoice in his overclock....in the name of the hardware

....the software

....and the holy clocks





the CBB/CB mod won't kill your processor

but will change the chips charactor. it possiblely only can work

on the Moded boards once the board done the mod,



Chew*, yes, you could just short the resistor, to make it 0Kohm.

or you can short to any ground.



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I noticed something strange with his tREFL and mentioned it. I didn't even report it so that no fuss is created, somehow though it got deleted. Have you ever seen tREFL at 1123? Its max value is 1023...


Can somebody please explain? :o Here is the screenshot, same time yesterday. I've circled the irrational value.







I've got another question, irrelevant to the above-mentioned. Can somebody run at the exact same settings as my 8m59sec run and post his 32M result here? The reason I'm asking for such a favor is because I'm losing about 2k performance product with this board, in comparison with an ASUS P55 one. 213k with the Maximus, 215k with the Giga :( And on top of that, I can't even work out the problems I face with 2:10 divider... My RAMs operate without the faintest problems on the Maximus at about 1030MHz 7-7-6-19, but I can't get passed loop 2 or 3 on H55N-USB3.

Edited by George_o/c
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