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Massman : Is it "hybrid approved" ?




We have the same "issue", we used APU + VGA but the name doesn't change.

Officially, if we show crossfire enable + VGA tab + APU name in GPU-Z ( see example) it's OK ?


Yeah, it's okay. For some reason there are setups where Hybrid isn't working properly. No idea why, though.

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Massman can you add this score to Stage 7:




To supersede my HD 3850 AGP score, which needs to be removed:




And rolled back to QuickFast's HD 4670 AGP score for that slot




I thought the database would do it automatically since I submitted the 6630D2 score most recently, but it didn't. Thanks!

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I try to run my 3850 today if i find the time and try to better your score then your 6630D2 score should show up i think that's how it works


Sweet dude, but if you can't, Massman should still be able to update the scores. All the better if you can do 34k+ with that 3850 though since we'll need the points in that stage.


EDIT: Never mind Massman. I found the very helpful "remove from competition" link and clicked it for my 3850 sub, and now we are all good. Nevertheless QuickFast, go get 'em with that 3850. ;)

Edited by MrBreeze
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Not to be "that" guy but you will be pulling the obviously bs times right :P let me know if you need any help or just put Sam on the case ....


Which one is it man? Did you mean one of my friends laptop cpu?

If that's the one you doubt, there is a video i made during the score session, lemme check ;)

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I've got the question about hybrid graphics. I'm currently benching on HD6670 DDR5 and HD6550D and it seems to behave like HD6670 alone... I know, that for older benchmarks and games only discrete gpu is used, but I saw this score http://hwbot.org/submission/2459458_chispy_3dmark03_radeon_hd_6690d2_58651_marks from chispy and he's getting 50% better result than mine - is there some kind of special trick to do this? I assume, that he got both cards working in crossfire mode, when running 2003.


Hi there bartx , I have just discovered something with this strange weird hybrid set ups , hence why my score was bugged somehow and it was deleted by my , after Roman block it for GT2 score bug high and he was in the right path , my llano cpu with 6530D APU + HD6670 DDR5 = hybrid nomenclature HD6690D2 acts and scores widely different depending on the output I use on this low end biostar mobo , if I connect it directly to the DVI from the mobo it will score lower than the HDMI conector , I get the higher scores if I connect the hybrid set up directly to the DVI of the HD6670 DDR5 video card but then it says that I have 4 video cards installed :eek: , LOL im not running quadfire :P , I believe I am not the only one with this problem , I did it unknowingly or not on purpose I was merely testing the different Video outputs from the mobo and from the video card. please let me know who else is having weird scores with this hybrid set ups , I know for a fact I cannot be the only one having trouble that I do not understand on this weird set ups hybrids. bartx test it for yourself to see if is a board issue , driver issue or just hybrid acticng up.

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