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More information on why XTU doesn't work with older systems here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=109368


The reason for the platform requirement is the hardware/bios profile that is attached to the result. When you're uploaded a benchmark result, you are actually uploading an XTU profile with a benchmark score attached to it.


The problem is that the platform characteristic for pre-SB and post-SB architectures vastly differs. Because it differs, it's not possible to create an XTU profile with these architectures. And without a profile, it's not possible to submit a score.

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don't have time to read the entire topic just some quick input:


performance is noticably affected when XTU runs in the backround - ~1k points on the Pentium during 05 and almost a minute in low-clocked Pi


check your baseclock after using XTU - on my SOC even it says 100 in the bios, it will apply the last setting from XTU sometimes (even it shouldn't autostart)...maybe related to full reset, didn't investigate further.


think the multiplier switch doesn't work due to special things on the SOC, need to check specs for compatibility in the other topic. maybe a "compatibility list" would be cool.


It's a nice little tool all in all - serves pretty well in many situations and hope the improvements continue over time. Monitoring features etc. working good - I think AIDA32/Everest/Realtemp and many more old tools have opend an anonymous depression circle already :P

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I might have found a bug. :) I use BPM (bill´s processmanager) to autoset affinity and priority to real time to XTU and Prime95-bench and with that I get a bit too good scores...


I have tested it on my laptop too and got the same results. This is from my benchrig and this should not be this high...




And yes, it can be reproduced but with very different scores.


This was done with

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I've recently got MSI H81m-P33 and trying out XTU from the MSI site. It works, but every time I click on "settings" it stops working with error popup " Perftune has stopped working".

System Win7 sp1 Ultimate 64, don't remember seeing this error with anything else.

 Stopped working

Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:	CLR20r3
 Problem Signature 01:	perftune.exe
 Problem Signature 02:
 Problem Signature 03:	53e3cb27
 Problem Signature 04:	PerfTune
 Problem Signature 05:
 Problem Signature 06:	53e3cb27
 Problem Signature 07:	23
 Problem Signature 08:	10
 Problem Signature 09:	System.FormatException
 OS Version:	6.1.7601.
 Locale ID:	2057

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