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Maybe it's just cause I'm in the Xmas spirit (translated meens half pissed), but I reckon everyone needs to chill. Some of the comments are getting pretty barbed - why does this have to become personal? It's a comp people FFS!


On the V1.0 scores, gotta admit I didn't read the rules, so maybe I was lucky I used the right version. I think it will be tough to pull all the scores using the wrong version (unless there are obviously bugged scores involved), particularly because so many strong benchers used version 1.0, and I am sure that if they were aware of the rule they would have used the correct version. (Why would you use it otherwise?)


Whatever the decision, as long as it's consistent, we should accept and move on........ (But let's get it over with)


On sandbagging - who gives a bunnyextraction when a score is posted!? Bench like you want to win and post it when you are ready. It can work either way (for or against you) so who cares! Only way to lessen this is have qualifying rounds like MOA, where only the top xx qualify to compete in the next round, but even then you can still sandbag all you like :) .......

Edited by bob(nz)
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Maybe it's just cause I'm in the Xmas spirit (translated meens half pissed), but I reckon everyone needs to chill. Some of the comments are getting pretty barbed - why does this have to become personal? It's a comp people FFS!





On the V1.0 scores, gotta admit I didn't read the rules, so maybe I was lucky I used the right version. I think it will be tough to pull all the scores using the wrong version (unless there are obviously bugged scores involved), particularly because so many strong benchers used version 1.0, and I am sure that if they were aware of the rule they would have used the correct version. (Why would you use it otherwise?)


Whatever the decision, as long as it's consistent, we should accept and move on........ (But let's get it over with)


On sandbagging - who gives a bunnyextraction when a score is posted!? Bench like you want to win and post it when you are ready. It can work either way (for or against you) so who cares! Only way to lessen this is have qualifying rounds like MOA, where only the top xx qualify to compete in the next round, but even then you can still sandbag all you like :) .......



In a normal situation sandbaggin is fine. But in this case with using the wrong version, they could have submitted when the scores where obtained and if reported they would still have a week or so to redo them. So, being in this situation, they sandbagged till the last minute, the stage closed and now they cannot go back and redo... Just sucks all the way around for everyone involved.


There's no denying though, TeamAU put up some impressive submissions, you all some BAMF's... :)

Edited by XtremeCuztoms
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In a normal situation sandbaggin is fine. But in this case with using the wrong version, they could have submitted when the scores where obtained and if reported they would still have a week or so to redo them. So, being in this situation, they sandbagged till the last minute, the stage closed and now they cannot go back and redo... Just sucks all the way around for everyone involved.


There's no denying though, TeamAU put up some impressive submissions, you all some BAMF's... :)




True but it was never picked up till after the stage finished - so sandbag or not no one would have time to go back and re run anyways....

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Not going to make me friend...


First, and it's the most importante part, I know how many works/moneys/time.... is it to make all stage, and what's the feeling when your submission blocked "without" any good reason.


So I'm 1000000% agree to keep v1.0 screen


Then I don't want to earn point this way, and we are so far in the ranking in this stage that removing those screen have no effect on us but rule have to be the same for EVERY ONE, not only for US, AU or DE...


I know AU don't cheat on the screen, and just don't know the rules (me neither), but during this CC, one of our submit was block... We have to buy a new CPU with extra fees (need 1day delivery to have it on time), spend 5hour to bench again the same setup... and finaly not enought time for other stage (2 and 3)



Here, an other story....


2 years ago, I submit a screen for CC, and I make a mistake, 2 cpu-z mother board tab instead of cpu + mb -> Screen 100% legit, score was normal with APU (2dm2001) but one missing tab

With the name of the IGP (GPU-Z -> 6410D) you can know which cpu I used ( this IGP was only in 1 CPU) , with the mem tab, you can find CPU speed....

So everybody can know the information on the missing tab very easely.... But my submit was block and remove...



Then only 2/3 score submit due to this moderation.. and when one screen is missing, you go down to the ranking pretty fast.


I ask massman to "unlock" the submit, and I explain him the situation, how to "rebuilt" cpu-z missing tab with IGP name, memory frequency... and this is his answer :


"I understand your situation, believe me I do.


Of course, we could have let this one pass, but what would happen if you would eventually win (or be second/third)? Then people would say HWBOT has commited fraud in the competition by letting that score pass as valid. People who almost won would be angry and that would be completely justified.


Damned if we do, damned if we don't ..."


So I asked to submit a lower score with all tab, screen made before the end of the competition... and massman answer : NO.




End of the story.... 2 years latter I still feel pain when I think to this... All the money, the time spend for CC lost due to missing tab...



One more time, the good descision is to keep those screen ( cloud gate v1.0), we are all agree with that, but in futur, is something similar happen, you have to "play" with rules again... If it's for AU, or for everybody else... as far as nothing look suspicious

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I have always found that HWBOT has been fair in their judgements. I too have been on the side of a bad loss. One that meant more to me than any other competition I have been in. It was the difference between going to Taiwan or not. Unfortunately I didn't go. But the admins here did their best to make sure everything was HONESTLY done. So I have faith the right decision will be made. Some will be happy....Some will not. That's life. Deal with it.

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Not urs. GunGod reported a ton of submissions including one of me and also dino. So it affected the ranking quite a lot. We have to discuss this first internally tho.


Yep you are right it was just after i read this:


No hard feelings bro, look page 21 for details. Briefly 1.0 has issues exactly using multiple gpu's.

Edited by GunGod
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