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The REV4 public test server! (feedback welcome)


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Ridiculous. It's far from a sport. Competitive hobby maybe. All I was saying was, when it stops being fun it's time to quit, and not to be so consumed with points that are worth nothing more that to make your e-peen larger or a chance to get some free hardware to bench. Because really, when it comes right down to it, that's all the points are good for.


So true - people seem to forget about the roots of overclocking sometimes :(

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Dominating at HWBot is fun though, on a personal level and on a team level.

I'd still bench dry ice without any kind of rankings, but being able to compete at it makes it even better.

I use the team mostly as a way to get more people into benching, every new person that shows up is a new way of looking at things that might uncover a SuperTweak.

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The new team ranks are all about the amount of dedicated people who are ready to search for and grind the popular old stuff, not just a bunch of peeps benching whatever they are comfortable with.

Makes the competition more interesting for teams which are ready to step up, but way less interesting for those that aren't.


EDIT: Nice to see the globals for CPU-Z back on the current testserver. Not that I care much about globals - it's just that breaking raw MHz barriers is what was and is causing the most attention in 2D benchmarks.

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EDIT: Nice to see the globals for CPU-Z back on the current testserver. Not that I care much about globals - it's just that breaking raw MHz barriers is what was and is causing the most attention in 2D benchmarks.



shame that something that "used" to be such a big achievement has been dropped.


Raw MHz ftw:cool:

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Ridiculous. It's far from a sport. Competitive hobby maybe. All I was saying was, when it stops being fun it's time to quit, and not to be so consumed with points that are worth nothing more that to make your e-peen larger or a chance to get some free hardware to bench. Because really, when it comes right down to it, that's all the points are good for.


So true - people seem to forget about the roots of overclocking sometimes :(


First off, if hwbot wasnt here, if there was no ranking system I would still be benchin for love of it and as a hobby. Nobody is fogetting anything here.

You can call it a competitive hobby if you like but I'll call it a sport because like most sports we have teams, leagues and rankings thanks to hwbot. I think its fair to say that many things can be both a sport and a hobby at the same time ;)


Because hwbot brings the competition with these teams, leagues and rankings then the most important thing becomes (legitamatly) earning the points for you and/or your team to do well. Doing well isnt just about the E-Peen, but if you do - do well then you are entitled to the braggin rights :P



Being part of a team means aiming for somthing more than just personal gain. It means you want to help the team and contribute towards the end goal. It also means you want to see the team as whole do well and not just a couple of the highest contributers within the team. Anybody who can not grasp the meaning of this shouldnt be part of a team at all.

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Being Part of a team makes the enjoyment so much greater as a bencher. I can deal with the REV4 system as an individual user and will be successful as such. I also will be successful in future additions to my team totals as I have invested in the necessary equipment to do so but this is not about me!


I get a lot of joy out of my endeavors here and would like the sport/hobby to grow and be successful into the future. How many overclockers begin with superb hardware and Cooling? Alot of teams now will take these individuals as members and aid in there growth. The new members will be encouraged by their score additions to the team totals and be motivated to improve.


How many new benchers will be motivated to continue when their point totals only count 1/10? I would not have in the beginning and I am sure I am in the majority.


As I have stated, the majority of the positive replies to the new system comes from highly experienced individuals. The thoughts of hobby growth being the furthest thing from their minds.


Team competition will evolve into this with this revision. All teams will become by invitation only(send us your resume and we will consider you). I know some of the top teams are this way now and that is fine but not everyone wants to be this way.


The positive responders will get there wish from this! The death of the large team and the stagnation of the hobby.

Edited by Electroneng
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Guest Ximi

I want participate on Enthusiast League , on my profile I selected it , save changes , exit , and dont changes ?


What happends ?


How much time for aplicated changes on profile ?


If it's posible , I want change and participate on Enthusiast League , Thank's ! ;)


Please , some moderator can be help me.


Regards ! ;)

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Why do you people taking the beta so serious for now? Can't wait for final version, when everything would be updated few sec after you select something or post score? Just wait for next update and you'll see yourself in other league. Relax and wait for final version. Until then, report bugs if you see some :)

Edited by Bullet1
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Being Part of a team makes the enjoyment so much greater as a bencher. I can deal with the REV4 system as an individual user and will be successful as ....


The positive responders will get there wish from this! The death of the large team and the stagnation of the hobby.


Didn't everybody say the same of ReV3 ? And now everybody loves it... this ain't an overnite change... some people have been having restless nites, weeks , months about this rev...


Even if you don't like it, too bad it's gonna come anyway... It's either adapt or suck it up like it happens in real life...

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shame that something that "used" to be such a big achievement has been dropped.


Raw MHz ftw:cool:


Considering it is also THE most popular benchmark @ hwbot, the decision to remove it seems not very well thought out. We always see 'the numbers' rolled out to support other ideas, in this case they seem to have been ignored.



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Didn't everybody say the same of ReV3 ? And now everybody loves it... this ain't an overnite change... some people have been having restless nites, weeks , months about this rev...


Even if you don't like it, too bad it's gonna come anyway... It's either adapt or suck it up like it happens in real life...


I have said my peace on this revision. Now let's get it released!

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I'm reporting a bug, maybe: I saw that my account on rev4 has almost all the benchmarks with the "do not partecipate in rankings" checked.

Don't know if it's a transitory "issue", in that case ignore it :)

Oh and while trying to uncheck this option, I noticed a few submissions without the "edit" button, maybe this is another bug.

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Not sure if this IS how it looks... but is the test server set in a such a way that a user can be awarded global points more than once for the same benchmark?


My AM3 1x GPU and 2x GPU are both in my best 15 scores....


Should the best 15 global scores get points.... or scores from the best 15 different benchmarks? :)

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