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4 minutes ago, TAGG said:

Whatever this runs out to, i would appreciate a "don't participate in seasonal rankins" button under user settings if this gets pushed through, cause for me date is usually whatever boards default to after BIOS reset, and i certainly don't care for including backgounds/notepads/benchmate/whatever on random HW point farming runs on old HW (CPU-Z doesn't work at all on some stuff, so that's out)... :D

Don't know if that's possible but this would be good for those that don't care about that ranking :)

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would only making a seasonal ranking based on any competition points be the best answer???

This would completely rule out this rule bending.


Also, is there a way we can back track to see our final standings for last year, I wanna stroke my ego and go chasing sponsors.

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A way to choose participation would be a good solution IF new requirements are going to be added.  Ideally on a per submission basis.  I don't think it would be a good outcome if seasonal rankings interfere with the benching of people who aren't interested in them.  Extra regulations also probably means more silly reports for mods to deal with.

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3 hours ago, mickulty said:

I know it's tempting to react very strongly, but I hope we can avoid anything that would make it more of a struggle to explain to noobs everything they need to do to prove a score.  It would also be nice if regular scores didn't have all the extra stuff that comps need - backgrounds can be a pain as many people bench with unactivated windows that resets them, system time is also lost when clearing cmos so it'd be nice not to have to worry about that.

Requiring a fairly recent CPU-Z version (with separate date proof an option for tryhards concerned that newer cpu-z is 'too heavy') is reasonable and shouldn't hurt noobs.  I'll be honest, I'd always assumed that for verification I should use reasonably recent CPU-Z anyway.

I'm not sure a new rule is needed though - these are the actions of one idiot, and they were caught immediately.  I'd hate to see seasonal rankings get in the way of multi-year-old backups, scores found on old USB sticks, etc.  Unless someone is clearly trying to manipulate the ranking - in which case clearly they can be caught already - it would be better to just not worry about it IMO.  The seasonal rankings don't give prizes, they're just a friendly competition, it shouldn't have to have bulletproof verification.

Best reply of the thread so far :) You sir are a champion. It's just one bencher being naughty

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3 hours ago, cbjaust said:

@TAGG have you had the chance to work with CPU-Z Vintage Edition?

@KaRtA good suggestion, keeping the seasonal ranking to hardware and global points earned in competions plus the actual competion points as it is now is an interesting angle.

if only the vintage edition could be a version that can validate 775 without being a load higher then 1M...

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So you find it acceptable that you can reuse 2019 or older subs for season 2020, like the possibility to re-use your top qualifing records in F1 for upcoming Grand Prix weekends because there's a flaw? .... Normally this should be comon logic that you don't re-use any sub already submitted before.

Frederiks' idea was to have a more active ranking and that you bench or rebench your hardware but to reach new heights in 2020. Again people make their own interpretation and just for your info Delly is not a stand alone case. I see several subs with CPUZ version of 1.87 and older popping up....


-I like the idea of a seasonal button but again this will be abused for sure.


-Maybe indeed another option is to link it to competition points only, but where's the difference than with the competition ranking


-Or last resort just remove seasonal ranking again as it is not compatible with all of our mindsets


Maybe time for another poll ?




Edited by Leeghoofd
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Not very impressed with this turn of events, I'm don't particularly care for the seasonal ranking much at all. It's a "nice to have" to see how much I benched in the last year, nothing more.

These new rules are pretty unenforceable as well, how will a mod notice the results if they don't make the front page? When someone reports them a couple of months later?

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1 hour ago, Jumper118 said:

New rules = lame 


Delly just found a flaw in a badly thought out system. There are lots of people who don't care about seasonal ranking at all. 

I have not discovered anything, it is simply something that many have done last year and that many continue to do even now, in my opinion in the season 20xx only the Competitions should be counted, everything else must end in the personal career :)

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22 minutes ago, Noxinite said:

Not very impressed with this turn of events, I'm don't particularly care for the seasonal ranking much at all. It's a "nice to have" to see how much I benched in the last year, nothing more.

These new rules are pretty unenforceable as well, how will a mod notice the results if they don't make the front page? When someone reports them a couple of months later?

but in fact, it seems unthinkable to manage such a thing, every single sub should be checked to see if you are using the latest version of the cpuz, the correct background and the date at the bottom right? it would take 200,000 moderators to do this

for this reason it would be better to leave only the competitions in the current season, which are already controlled, need screens with a specific background and above all they are much less to manage

everything else goes into the personal career, where it does not count when a result has been made, but only that it is correct

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Seasonal ranking is a good idea for the re-bench stuff you like more often.

But IMO new rules that must be there to make it work kill the purpose of the database.

A score is a score, no matter when we did it. Can't sub old scores or backups and have to do extra effort to screen new ones and risk to get them invalidate...

I know put a background isn't hard, but there is just more thing likely to be forget. I know i often forget a cpu-z already...


In the end it's just a lot of work for moderation and a frustration for users.

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As someone who has a USB full of old subs that I never got round to putting up, can I suggest something really simple like a tickbox on the submission which excludes the sub from seasonal rankings? That way it's still fine for the "all time rankings" but doesn't allow anyone to boost their seasonal ranking score with old subs.

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having a repository of scores that are better than your published scores is one thing. Deleting old scores and re-uploading them for the new season is entirely different. The first one is a sort of insurance the second is outright fraud. I'm hoping that any 'deleted' scores are available for staff to see.

Edited by cbjaust
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Euh that's why it it's from January till the 31st of December... Afterwards the ranking is reset. Maybe we need to make a news post next time when the ranking is done. 

Thing we need to counteract is the reusage of old scores without trying to affect backup scores. New button implementation is cool but I don't have any clue when it will be implemented..  So it's not a viable option right now... 

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What happened is that the old 7700k was removed and resubbed. So there's no improvement in score. It was a new one to the system so you should get full points. Hence why Delly got 800 points with about 10bsubs. That is the thing we need to cure... 

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33 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

What happened is that the old 7700k was removed and resubbed. So there's no improvement in score. It was a new one to the system so you should get full points. Hence why Delly got 800 points with about 10bsubs. That is the thing we need to cure... 

the same thing that even half the hwbot community did last year, not just me ...
probably new rules were needed even before, only that I still don't understand how they are manageable

remove hardware and global from season and leaving only the competitions is the easiest way in my opinion,  for those the personal career is fine ;)

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